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Isabella watched as Hopper walked over to El and carried her towards a bench sitting down and letting her rest against his leg

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Isabella watched as Hopper walked over to El and carried her towards a bench sitting down and letting her rest against his leg. She glanced at Robin who shrugged so the two of them followed everyone where they were resting against the fountain, Isabella jumped up and sat next to the planter. She held out her hand for Robin who took it and got herself comfortable next to her. Isabella rested her head on Robin's shoulder, they weren't paying attention to the two of them so they were safe. "The Mind Flayer built this monster in Hawkins, to stop El, to kill her and pave a way into our world." Isabella looked through her lashes at Robin to see if she knew what they were talking about but Robin looked just as confused as her but they stayed silent. "And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it." Nancy the popular girl said.

"How big is this thing?" Sheriff Hopper said, Isabella personally hasn't had any run-ins with him but she knows that Becca has had a few when she was caught smoking pot behind some grocery stores. "It's big, thirty feet at least." The one who helped Isabella with El's leg said, her eyes widened when she heard how big it was. She reached out for Robin's hand for comfort which the girl took and squeezed comfortingly. "Yeah, it sorta destroyed your cabin. Sorry."

"Okay, so, just to be clear, this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El, it's some kind of gigantic weapon?" Steve pieced together looking as confused as Isabella felt. "Yes," Nancy answered. "But instead of, like, screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon with melted people." Isabella stayed silent because he didn't want to voice to everyone how crazy she thought this was to her. "Yes, exactly," Nancy says like it was the most normal thing in the world, Isabella sucked in a breath and sat up but she didn't let go of Robin's hand who didn't seem to mind if the tight grip on her hand was anything to go by.

"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" The woman who came with Hopper said. "El beat the shit out of it, but, yeah it's still alive." The red-headed girl who was obviously dating Lucas said. "But if we close the gate again-" The kid who "died" a couple of years ago Will Byers said, it was the thing that almost made Marino and Lidia change their minds about moving here. "We cut the brain off from the body-" "And kill it." Lucas finished for his girlfriend.

"Yoo-hoo" Isabella jumped when they heard a new voice, they look up to see a crazed man wearing a wife-beater and underwear jiggling around pieces of paper. "I can't fucking do this," Isabella muttered so only Robin could hear her, she ran a hand through her hair and let out a shuddering breath. "Hey, I don't know what the fuck is going on either but we can do this." Robin stood up and walked over to where Steve was standing. Isabella sighed and hopped down from the fountain to go stand next to her. "Are gonna die Steve?" Isabella asks looking at Steve beggingly. "I don't know, but I know if I do Micah will kick my ass. Now if you excuse me, I'm being beckoned by Hopper." Steve patted Isabella comfortingly on the shoulder before walking over to where Hopper was holding some in his hand. "I wish I didn't come to work today, I mean the best thing out of today is that we started dating," Isabella said bumping her shoulders against Robin's. "Wait, we're dating?" Isabella chuckled but shrugged. "I hope so, we might die after all." Robin chuckled and nodded in agreement. Isabella wanted to kiss Robin but she didn't Steve had yelled at the two of them to follow him so they walked outside and hopped in the car, Isabella didn't feel like sitting in the back next to the kids so she squeezed herself next to Robin and Steve, it wasn't comfortable by no means but at least she got to be close to Robin this way.

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