UN-RAVEL 54...

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Hi peeps.... how are you guys doing?
Here is the next part hope you guys like it.

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UR 54.

It was later that evening that waiting was starting to get under Nandani's nerves and around that time Zamira landed at Indra Gandhi National Airport. Zamira could feel her nerves crawling in the back of her spine. The first thing she did was to hail a cab and then with multiple travel ways she got to the place where she wanted to be and the next thing was to text Ivaan from a very secured network, this was the safest time for him to tell everyone because Zamira had reached alive and well.

Not having seen Zamira in a long time was making Manik restless as well. Ivaan had to ask for everyone's attention to finally break the news to them, he expected worse of the reactions and he couldn't blame any of them, after all he was sweating due to nervousness himself. He couldn't sleep a wink ever since Zamira left, not that earlier he was able to sleep really well but knowing what kind of danger Zamira was facing by going out there, scared him senseless. Breaking that news to their family was even more unnerving.

'Where is Zamira?' Nandani asks them.

'Um...' Alishka nudges Ivaan to speak but all he could do is look at his family and think how this was a bad decision in million different ways.

'Where is Zamira?' Nandani asks insistingly.

'About that...' Alishka smacks Ivaan's arms bringing him back to earth.

'Buddy...' Ivaan addresses Manik for a reason he couldn't point his mind to but it felt right. 'Zamira has gone to India.' Ivaan didn't know a better way to say it. Well, there was no better way to say it.

'What?' Nandani asks shocked.

Manik was looking at Ivaan dumbfounded hoping he didn't hear him right.

Wrapping his fingers around the letter Zamira had given to him, Ivaan takes a deep breath and continues, 'Zamira is in India. That's her decision. She wanted us to tell you that once she reached, India.'

'Ivaan what are you saying.' Manik asks not being able to keep his head straight.

'Last night Zamira left for India. She left this.' He stares at Nandani with a mix of hatred and anger. He didn't know why Zamira gave a letter for Nandani and not for Manik. It made no sense to him. Manik brings his hand forward for the letter but Ivaan extends it for Nandani.

Snatching the letter out of his hand Nandani reads it. Every word seemed to pain her and by the end she was in tears.

'What does it say?'

She looks at Manik and then back at the letter and reads it out loud for everyone.

'Hi! Mom

I am in India; you would know this by the time you will get this letter. I know you always have wished the best for me and gone out of your way to give me everything in life and no matter what I will always be great full for that. I am saying all of this in a letter because I can never say any of it to you, up front. Whenever, you triple checked the door lock every night, the way you always listened to other people's comments and never replied back even though they made you furious and how we moved from place to place every few years, I always knew something was wrong, I just could never pin point it, mom. It was just a feeling. A scary one though. But it was there and just like you, I started feeling scared too when I was at home, in school, in playground, with friends, there was one thing common in every moment, that looming fear. I guess that's why fear has been my constant companion. But then we shifted all the way to New York and I hoped more than anything that I will see you relax yourself for once and maybe then that fear would leave me but that never happened. Instead, something else did. I know seeing me in pain, hurt you a lot mom. Seeing me in so much pain and most of all being scared that they will kill me any second, was actually more like seeing me die not once but many times. You know what, it was same for me as well. I never wanted to return to that place, it scared me but I did because there was something that scared me even more, it was not being able to be by your side. I won't tell you what dad means to me because I know you know that better than I can ever explain. When I sat down to think why you reacted the way you did? I guess if I was in your place, I would have done the same thing. But I am not you mom, I am not even the same old me and I hope you understand that. What we went through in those few months has changed us both for better and for worse. I truly love you mom and nothing in the world can change that. What I am trying to say I guess is, I can't live like this mom. I have never been as scared in my life as on the night when they took you away from me and beat you up. I stayed up that night and the next morning when I couldn't figure out what was wrong with you and I have never been that afraid, not till date. Still every minute of my life I have only spent being afraid, looking over my shoulder except for when we freed you that day. There was no fear. When I sang on the stage all by myself, I was nervous but never afraid. Fear has been my constant companion but I am done leaning onto it. You gave me a choice mom, between dad and you but it was never about either of you. So now I am giving you a choice. You have to choose whether you are going to be with me in this fight or not. It's far easier than the choice you gave me. If you can't be here, I will understand but still I will be waiting for you.

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