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Hye guys I am sooooo sorry. I am honestly really stupid. I saved the story like a week ago and thought I have posted it. Urgh......
Then I received a msg from my dear reader to post the story and I realised that my story is saved and not published.

Sorry for this but peeps I am really disappointed with the number of comments and votes so if this low number continues I won't be able to continue the story. So if the number of votes and comments are good I promise that I will update the next part this week only. But if the number is low as usual I won't update it this week.

Let me tell you that I have already written the next part. So come on please vote and comment generously. And by comments I mean a proper long comment explaining how do you feel about this story.

UN-RAVEL 39....


Manik turned away from Nandani and Zamira as tears clouded his vision he didn't have anything to say but his insides felt like acid to him and under it's influence he could feel being corroded. Life is one big mystery and everyone is just a pawn playing their part. How could God do so wrong with him? Was a question in Manik's mind. What did an innocent six years old do to deserve all the pain? Unwilling he ended up blaming it on God. He found God to be extremely unfair to him and his family.

Manik was alone in his world as usually feeling the pain only he could feel. How much easier it would have been if he had someone to stick all the blame on. If he could just blame anyone for once at least he could have felt the hatred or could have a motive of revenge. Whom shall he avenge now? Whom shall he blame now? He can't blame Nandani because for a matter of fact he knew he wasn't capable of making decisions at that time. Severe depression had clouded his judgment. As if he had predicted in his heart all along that the best thing for Nandani and Zamira would be to be away from him so when Nandani said those words his world came crashing down but he was too numb to stand for anyone. He agreed robotically and walked out as in his world of depression everything was meant to be against him.

A pair of arms enveloped his neck from behind as someone back hugged him, he could feel the uneven breath but the hold in him was neither too strong nor too weak it felt really supportive to Manik, he flexed his neck to look at his hugger only to find his daughter hugging him with closed eyes. She was radiating her strength to him so that he could be strong.

"I... I am..... I am sorry Zu...." Not knowing what to say Manik apologised but Zamira nodded her head in negative.

"When you came I thought you knew me. But you didn't....." Manik stops at the lack of words.

Zamira chuckles lightly and opening her eyes looks at Manik, "No I didn't." She nods her head with a smile,.

"I was so stupid to think that you hate me."

Zamira nods in agreement, "Very silly of you."

"I am sorry I didn't mean to give up on you."

Zamira rubs his tears off, "Having had my fair share of panic attacks I know you never gave up on me and in fact you never will. You seriously don't have to tell me all of that. I know how it feel when all you have are negative thoughts. You know anything that will happen to you will be bad so you don't even anticipate a situation rather you just flow with the flow. And it's okay."

"Aha.... Justifying emotions with reason." Manik says with slight giggle and Zamira nods, "Just like Nandu." Zamira's smile gets even wider.

"What can I say I am both of yours daughter."

"Don't you feel bad. You don't remember anything. You lost 6 years of your childhood...."

Zamira cuts Manik, "I didn't loose anything. Honestly, we don't remember much from our early years of life and above that I just lost my memory and I honestly don't even care what was in that memory. When I think of it even I don't feel that there was any loss. For sure I don't remember some of the most amazing memories of my life but that's something I don't have any control on. So I prefer not to regret over stuff that I can't control. And above all it's all a distant memory." Both Nandani and Manik chuckle at her last sentence.

Sometimes children grow up faster then their parents would like but most of the time they would be thankful for that as the harsh sea like life needs strong and skilled sailors.

"So you have no grudges against....." Nandani expresses her deepest fears.

Zamira turns to look at her mother who is the most innocent person alive. For Zamira her mother has always been an epitome of living. She has seen her work hard and struggle through life like a warrior. Standing like a rock in front of her children and taking decisions that nobody can ever gather enough courage to take. She ventured through the scary unknown for her daughter and husband so that her family stays alive. Even though Nandani hated fights and violence, little did she realise that life itself is a battle field and every day she wages a war against the worst and comes home victorious to her children.

Zamira hugs Nandani, "How can I hold grudges against any of you? I was scared for you mumma. I don't care what you did and why you did it all I know is you did what you think is best for everyone. If you weren't there I can't even imagine surviving in this world. Papa and you are everything to us. You both are here and that is enough for Adair and me. We don't want anything else." Zamira says gloomily at end hugging Nandani and with the motherly warmth she provided Zamira's entire rock like facade started melting. The corner of her eyes became teary.

Manik lovingly holds Zamira's hand and kisses it. Nandani ruffled her hair calming her down.

"Why is everything so sad sad????" Zamira asks with a pout.

Manik smiling partially replies, "Everything wasn't this sad always. At sometime everything was very beautiful and happy too." Manik lies down on the bed and Zamira cuddles in his arms listening to him while Nandani to lays down looking at the two of them. Manik smiles at Nandani as he goes down the memory lane.


A few days after Rishab became part of the family.

"Thank you Manik sir." Nandani says infinite number of times.

"Nandani I swear if you says thank you or sir to me again I won't talk to you."

"But you teach me and you saved my bother so it's justified."

"First of all I teach you in the university and my year is already over. Second of all you have said thank you a hundred times already." Manik says a little annoyed.

"So what shall I call you?" Nandani asks avoiding any further annoyance.

"Call me Manik or Mani just like all my friends call me."

"You are my friend now?" Nandani asks a bit shocked.

Manik gives her an impossible look, "Did someone tell you that you have major acceptance issues." Nandani giggles at his words especially the level of annoyance.

"Hi I am Manik Malhotra. Can we friends. If yes then please call me Manik." Manik says forwarding his hand.

"And if no." Nandani asks laughing at him as she started enjoying irritating him but what surprised Manik is to see her with a naughty glimpse in her eyes.

"Then also please call me Manik." Manik says clamping his hands together.

"What if I don't want to call you?" Nandani says irking him further with a slight smug smirk.

"Fine. Don't call me at all. I am leaving."

Nandani starts laughing and stops him by holding his hand she forwards her hand, "Nandani Murthy. Let's be friends." Manik shakes his hand with her and nods in disbelief.

"So what are you doing today?" Manik asks casually.

"Umm.... after going to hostel I am going to study." Nandani replies.

"Oh come on your exams just got over how can you study right away." Manik asks in disbelief.

"Come on Manik what can I do instead." Nandani asks making Manik think for a while he very well knew that she isn't a part girl.

"Have you been to Lonavala?" Manik asks.

"Manik I haven't seen Mumbai completely and you are asking me whether I have been to Lonavala or not."

Manik looks at her in shock, "Oh god girl you need to get a life. Come on let's go to Lonavala. What's say?" Manik asks her excitedly but she contemplates her options and thinks carefully, "Hye.... Hye.... Hye..... please say yes.... please say yes.... please say yes......." Manik asks with a pout so Nandani gives in.

"That's like my friend now." Manik cheers raising his hand for a hi-fi and Nandani claps her hand on his.

"But Manik sir what about fab 5?" Nandani asks and receives a glare from Manik. "Ummm.... I mean Manik... What about fab 5?" Nandani rephrased herself receiving an approving look from Manik.

"Aliya and Mukti are going for Fashion Weekend to Bali. Dhruv is going to his maternal house and Cabir has to go to meet his mom and dad. Arzoo, Ansh and Rishab have their weekend school picnic. Mom is leaving to Delhi tomorrow morning for meeting with mamu."

"Cabir's parents don't live here."

"Nah... his dad is in army so they are posted at Dehradun." Manik replies.

"Come on let's tell mom and then we can go." Manik says rushing out of the balcony towards the study room and Nandani followed him.

For Nanfani life as if all of a sudden had a new thrill in it. Her thrills name was Manik. He brought with himself a unique kind of adrenaline rush, so strong as if she could fly too.

"Mom.... Mom...." Manik calls Tejaswani as he enters the library and sees her working on laptop.

"Yeah.... Manik." Tejaswani asks looking away from her laptop.

"Mom.... I need permission." Manik asked a little nervously.

"When did we ever stop you Manik?" Tejaswani asks raising her eyebrows.

"Umm... Mom it's not for me. It's for Nandani." Manik says with a sheepish smile.

"What about Nandu?"

"Can we go to Lonavala for the weekend. Please...." Manik asks cutely in order to convince Tejaswani.

"Does Nandani wants to go?"

"I convinced her." Manik says with a childish chuckle.

Tejaswani laughs seeing his nervousness and excitement,  "Go my son. Go." She agrees with a broad smile.

"Thank you mom. Thank you. I love you." He says hugging her in excitement making Tejaswani laugh and pat his back. "Hye Manik...." She stops Manik in his way, "Take care of her and make sure nobody hurts her. She is very sweet girl and one complaint from her and I will make you do entire household chore for months." She warns him.

Manik salutes her, "Aye Aye Captain."

"Come on we are free to go." Manik informs Nandani as he rushes out of the room with a huge smile. "Let me pack my bag and take some stuff then we will go to your hostel."

"Alright. I will call Navya and ask her to pack some of my stuff so we won't get late."

"That's awesome. Uhhh.... Nandani I forgot to take keys from mom can you please take them from her. I will go and pack some stuff."

"Keys for what Manik."

"Cottage keys. Tell her and she will know it." Manik leaves towards his room.

"May I come in, Aunty ji." Nandani knocks on the door of library and Tejaswani nods. "Sorry to disturb you but Manik asked for Cottage keys." Nandani asks hesitantly as Tejaswani was evidently busy.

"Come in Nandani." Tejaswani says politely while pointing at chair in front of her, "No need to be so formal Nandani."

Tejaswani opens a cupboard besides her and takes out the keys and hands them over to Nanadni.

"Nandani beta take care of yourself and if Manik troubles you tell me I will take his class on my own." Nandani chuckles hearing Tejaswani. "And if you need anything beta call me."

"Thank you aunty ji. It means alot."

"Enjoy your trip beta." Tejaswani wishes her happily as she leaves.

Ten minutes after waiting in the living room Manik appears with a duffle bag, "Hye, are you hungry."

Nandani looks at him as he looks pretty attractive in cargo pants and and shirt. There was no denying that his appearance is pretty attractive but it didn't allure Nandni as much as his attitude did. The way he got angry when Rishab wasn't able to get bail he seemed really  hot to her. His anger captivated her and made her feel secure. 

"Do you want to eat something." Manik asks again.

"Sure." Nandani says smiling at him. "So how is Lonavala." Nandani asks sitting on passengers seat of Manik's jeep.

"Well enchanting. Believe you will not want to come back."

Nandani smiles and relaxing in her seat whispers, "Good."

After taking Nandani's stuff and assuring a pretty overexcited Navya and having lunch. Nandani and Manik hit the road. Manik puts on the playlist.

"Do you want to put on your playlist."

Nandani nods in disagreement, "Nope. You have a pretty good taste in music."

Manik smiles, "Good. Because there is rule."

"What rule?" Nandani asks curiously.

"My car, my songs. Rule." Nandani chuckles at the way he says it.

"Well be glad I like your playlist or I could have got it changed."

"Oh never."

"We will see." Nandani says feign a challenge.

"Btw Nandani we haven't got to talk to each other that well. So tell me something about yourself."


"Umm... Favourite singer." Manik asks.

"Kishore Kumar. Lata Mageshkar. Yours."

"Mohammed Rafi." Manik replies. "Favourite novel."

"You read Manik." Nandani asks being a little shocked.

"Umm... well I do. I know it doesn't goes with my killer personality but studs do read." Nandani laughs mostly at his self gloating.

"The Alchemist  and Julius Caesar." Nandani replies.

"Shakespeare." Manik makes faces at the mere mention of the book. "Do you even understand anything. I loose my mind reading his work."

"Oh please.... I love Shakespeare. His wording is little complicated but there is nothing like on won't  understand. Which novels have you read of Shakespeare?" Manik understood in a jiffy that this girl is a little a touche about Shakespeare.

"Umm.... The tempest. Comedy of Errors. And the Venice one. What's it's name...." He says frantically tapping his forehead.

"Merchant of Venice." Nandani hastily replies.

"Right. The Merchant of Venice."

"What's your fav?" Nandani asks looking at him as he drives cautiously but enjoying the journey at the outside without any traffic and the weather being cherry on top.

"Umm.... Sydney Sheldon and Sherlock Holmes."

"Wow.... the crime genre." Nandani says clasping her hands together in surprise and sarcasm.

"What?" Manik asks understanding the tone underneath.

"All the time killing people, getting in trouble. You read pure violence." Manik looks at Nandani for a second in pure shock as she was getting back at him for not liking Shakespeare.  It was surprisingly to see Nandani in her revenge mood.

"Excuse me. Every one dies in Rome and Juliet and there is more blood loss in Julius Caesar then in all Sherlock Holmes books added together. Above that every Shakespeare play also shows someone dying." Manik counters in his defence.

"But it's basic genre is Romance. It teaches to love, to live and how at the end love always wins. People may die but the love will always win and it's truest endeavours of all. What does your stupid crime novels teach you." Nandani surprises Manik again with her counter.

"Ummm..... you are such a lawyer dude." Nandani laughs at his comment making Manik look at her again a bit surprised. "Oh right. You are a lawyer." Manik says as his memory rushes back to him.

"Yeah. I am a lawyer and you shouldn't try winning in an argument with me. Btw the maximum book readers read romantic novels and Shakespeare is classic."

"Sherlock Holmes too is classic. No argument over that. Please." Manik says taking his stand while Nandni makes faces at him. "Fav cuisine. "

"Indian by all means."

"Hye that's it." Manik says zealously raising his hand for a hi-fi indicating his is the same too. "Fav colour."


"Black." Manik tells his.

"Umm.... Fav sports." This time Nandani asks.


"Cricket." Nandani adds with a chuckle.

"Seriously." Nandani nods to Maniks surprise.

"Papa, mumma, Rishab and I use to watch every single match together and we played cricket alot. Papa taught me cricket so i love it the most."

"Cool....  the next Mitali Raj of India." Manik says loudly expressing his excitement while patting her shoulder and she laughs nodding.

"Guilty Pleasure."

Manik laughs hearing this one from Nandani, "Umm.... eating loads of chocolates even after workout. Watching romantic movies and especially horror movies alone at night.. Yours."

Nandani gulps as she gets this one on her, "Umm.... Ahhh.... I.... can't...." Nandani says emphasizing on every word.

"Okay Nandani.... You can do this.... Yes girl you can do this." Manik mockingly cheers for her.

"I can't resist dancing at to the tune of songs at the end of movie especially in cinema and dancing at night on terrace to beat and rock songs and singing loudly."

"You are so full of surprises Nandani." Manik says with a broad smile.

"There is so much more." Nandani says sheepishly.

"What about fab adventure sports?"

"Scuba diving." Nandani replies without another thought.

"Rock climbing." Manik says.

"Your biggest phobia." Nandani asks.

"Umm... Fear of deep seas and claustrophobia not extreme like the people who can't even get in elevators but if it stops then I will definitely freak out."

"Ah.... that's why that expression when I said scuba diving." Nandani teases him.

"Okay... okay... I am scared of deep water. It's frightening.  What about you?"

"Acrophobia and nyctophobia. Darkness scares me and so does height. And most importantly I am scared of blood and injections and an entire hospital. When I was a kid I literally ran out of doctors cabin who was going to give me an injection and made half of the hospital chase me. I turned the hospital upside down and then mom turned me upside down when I came home." Manik chuckles as Nandani makes grumpy face at the memory.

"On that note what's your most embarrassing moment?"

"Umm.... I.... kicked a guy accidentally."

Manik looks at her confused how come that is an embarrassing moment, "How's that embarrassing?"

Nandani covers her face with her hands and then peeks through it as her muffled words make a way through her hands, "I hit him.... uhhh.... ummm.... there...."

"There???" Manik looks at her confused. "Where?"

Nandani literally wanted to smack him at the moment, "Manik there where I shouldn't have." She tries explaining but Mabik is totally blank.

"Where Nandani?" Manik asks too confused.

"In the groin. Manik." Nandani replies irritated by him not understanding and as Manik bursts into laughter that irks her more.

Manik's places his hand on his lap and nicks pain, "Ouch it hurts." He continues laughing his heart out at the thought.

Nandani looks at him irritated and asks, "You are enjoying this a lot right."

Manik nods trying to control his laughter. "Wow... what had happened actually?"

"I was showing my friend a step and I don't know from where he came I just turned around kicked and he was on the floor just..... mess...."

"Wow.... that's pretty awesome." He says finally being able to control his laughter.

"Fine your turn." Nandani says folding her hands all prepared to have her revenge.

Manik looks at her and nods in disbelief, "Okay... so my pants just tore off."

"What?" Nandani looks at Manik with her eyes wide open.

"Yup..." Manik tries suppressing his embarrassment, "I was just jumping sssssseeeeeeee........ it happened. Wardrobe malfunction."

Nandani suppresses her laughter and nods, "Where were you?"

Manik gulps, "In class. We were preparing for annuals day. I had to sing and there was group of 20 girls that had to dance and two teachers and just Cabir and Dhruv were two boys with me. I was trying to impress a girl."

All the efforts Nandani had put into controlling her laughter disappeared into air and she rolled with laughter.

After ten minutes when Nandani finally caught her breath Manik had a disappointed face.

"Yahan meri izard lut gayi aur tum hass rahi ho."

"Sor.... hahahaha.... I mean Sorry.... I didn't..... hahahaha......"

"Hass lo hass lo." Mabik said feign anger.

"Okay the best prank you ever played with someone."

Manik laughed remembering it. "One time in College Cabir asked me to get a girls number for him. He had very less attendance in our Mathematics class and our teacher was Mrs. Saumya Kappor she was very strict and he hated her alot. Instead of that girls number I gave him Saumya Ma'am's number."

"Ohhhhh my god..... what happened then?"

"Ma'am threw him out of her class and scolded him and I was rewarded with lots of punches." Nandani chuckles.

"Your turn."

"Umm..... there was this mean girl in my school she always got on my nerves one day I kept rats in her bag."

"Ohhhh..... Nandani not so innocent Murthy." Nandani laughs at his words.

To be continued.....

Keep smiling
Stay safe
Stay at home
Take care
For now signing off

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