UN-RAVEL 21.... MY HOPE....

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Hello peeps....
I guess some of you might disagree with previous parts ending as Manik's running away for a while might not be the similar way it is always shown to us but honestly I am trying to be as real as I can be with this story. I don't want to follow the age old suite of people doing things for other and still not feeling exhausted but let's just face the truth we are humans and we feel exhausted and shattered, we need to time for things to sink in and we need to prepare ourselves. So just place yourself in Manik's shoes and live that part through him being who you are and then maybe it will make sense to you more.

I am really not into following the "mahanta" logic for our indian serials that a person gives up everything for someone else and is still perfectly normal because that's not possible in real world. We are humans and we work differently. Life isn't a bed or roses and to walk over thorns you can't just be energetic enough.

I am giving my shot at making this story more real but definitely it's a part of my fantasy world so there would be a mix and match but with some raw and unacknowledged emotions. I hope it makes sense and you guys are always welcome to put forward your views, questions; positive or negative. I am open to all. So go ahead and keep supporting like always.


About a late update it's because I was put of town for a long time.

Enjoy reading....

UN-RAVEL 21....


Manik walks into Zamira's ward around midnight. She is lying on the bed looking at the ceiling silently as if drowned in deep thoughts, she doesn't notices Manik's arrival so he too silently sits besides her. He tries starting a conversation with her but fails even before he could get a word out of his mouth. He directs his hand towards Zamira's hand only to notice her shivering, he places his hand on her's and she shrieks in pain.

"Zamira...." Manik's words drip with worry as Zamira shudders in pain. He presses his hand on her head to find her burning, "Zamira you are burning."

Zamira sniffs and replies in fumbled speech, "I.... a....m..... f.....i.....n....e...."

"No you aren't. Wait I will call the doctor." He presses the emergency button but being impatient he rushes out of the room calling for a doctor.

Doctor and nurses rush into the ward. While the nurse takes note of Zamira's pressure and fever, doctor checks her pulse. "There is no need to worry Mr. Malhotra, Zamira's fever is result of post traumatic stress. I shall suggest a bit change of environment for her and some fresh air as she doesn't seems much comfortable here. Why don't you take her out for a stroll." Manik nods in agreement, "If you want we can arrange for a wheelchair."

"Umm.... That wouldn't be needed. Thank you."

"Take care then." The doctor leaves and so do the nurses after giving appropriate injection to Zamira and removing her IV strips and other connected machines.

Manik lowers her bed and offers his hand, "Come on." Zamira without looking at him takes his hand though every moment of her vibrates the pain throughout her body. After a lot of effort she is able to stabilise herself. She takes a few steps ahead and slips only for Manik to hold her. "Are you okay."

"I am fine but I can't walk. I will stay here itself." She tries turning away but Manik stops her and then scoops her up. "You don't have to walk." She looks at him and then turns away, her behaviour clearly indicating that she is upset with Manik who sighs understanding the reason behind her behaviour. He carries her and takes her outside and puts her down on a recliner near the pool. It's a small place marking children's corner but at this hour it's totally silent.

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