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I look at the couple in front of me who's acting lovey-dovey without minding their surroundings.

I stand up, making them notice me. Pack my bag while typing something on my phone.

I look back at them and the other members of Black Dragon.

"Hey, I'll uhhmn get going since it's suffoca- err, I need to meet someone." I smiled before passing the new lovers of BD.

"Congrats, Shin! Stay strong." Turning my back, not waiting for a response, and making my way to the backside of their hideout.

That's when I let myself fall. He said a year ago that I am his home. Now, why do I feel like I'm just a motor hotel he stopped by before he found her?

Hugging my knees, I sob silently in that dark alley.

"Waka... I can... feel your ... presence." I stated between my sob that's when a  man appears before me wearing his bored expression.

He extends his hand to me, handing me out a Chupa Chups lollipop, and sits before me.

"Sweet, That's your fave too."

Limitedly on his words, he handed me the lollipop with droopy eyes and a bored expression.

'What a nice way to cheer up someone.' I surmise.

He even opened the lollipop before forcing it inside my sobbing mouth when he noticed that I only stared at it.

I glared at him before eating the lollipop.

He stays in his position while staring at me. Without any thought, I move closer and rest my body to him laterally.

"Want to go shopping?" He murmured but enough for me to hear.

I shook my head before I started to open my mouth.

"Waka, I know, I'm good enough to stay beside Shin, but why not me?"

I stare at my foot before chewing a small part of the lollipop. 

"I met him first before her. I know him first, but who is she?"

Stretching his arms behind my back, he pulls me closer to him and caresses my hair gently.

"Who knows, Elle? Who knows?" I sight and hold onto his uniform tightly.

After a minute passed, I decided to break the hug and fix my devastated self.


"I should get going now. Thank you for accompanying my broken ass."

Wiping my dried tears, I laugh a bit on my quip. He just nodded and turned his back on me before walking away.

"What the fuck Waka?" Watching him walk away makes me laugh. Guess he's being shy.


Guess this is chapter one (^~^;)ゞ

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