Thirty one

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He alarmed the bodyguard that's on the side still carrying me in a bridal way, I look at the car where we stop it's the famous car, a matte black 'Aston martin' I murmured upon knowing its emblem, wow he's this big now? 

"Put me down," 

I murmured but he didn't listen, we enter the car while I'm still in his embrace, torpid on a bridal way we settle inside the car. I gulp and gather my courage to look up at him only to be greeted by his stern gaze, just for fifteen seconds I want to look at him more. 

One, Two, Three... 

Why didn't I notice it before? His heart-stopping image, Droopy deep tantalizing lilac orbs that seem to pierce in your soul, his new hair that suits him well, purple blond tied in a ponytail with a loose strand of each color cascading the sides of his face, odd combination yet it looks fascinating if it's him. 

Four, Five, Six, Seven... 

His effortlessly perfect brows, thin sexy down turned lips that typically look sinfully. 

Eight, Nine, Ten... 

With his edgy jaw, He looks perfect. 

Eleven, Twelve... 

I can feel his powerful thigh underneath me as I sit on it, trying not to do unnecessary moves as I can feel the bulge beneath me. 

Thirteen, Fourteen... 

Even with just a white neck shirt, he manages to look expensive.


I want to look at him more but I can't stand those soul-eating stares. I let my head down after studying his sinful feature, not wanting to meet those intense gazes that are already piercing me. I flinch a bit when he starts caressing my hair slowly while his other hand is on the side. 

"Not gonna talk?" 

He asks, I bite my lips and stare at my feet, what the fuck should I talk about to him? Oh, the twins! I smile a bit remembering my twins. 

"The twins." 

I started he hums and continue to play with my drenched hair slowly combing it. His soft touch makes me yawn involuntarily, it makes me sleepy for some reason. I heard him chuckle a bit when I yawned big, I blow my cheeks. Is he combing my hair on purpose? I shook my head a bit before talking.

"They're seven years old now, well I conceive them on my nineteenth birthday." 

I feel my cheeks burning up because of that day, the birthday sex that I received in him. "Really?" He asks seriously yet the teasing tone is visible, I press my lips more before nodding. Now he found these amusing. 

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