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It become my routine to spend my free time on the Black Dragon's hide out, after Shin brought me here months ago. They gave me spare key to the main door for me to come here any time I want.

I was doing my homework alone while listening to music.

When someone suddenly slam the door loudly making my soul jump out of my body.

"What the heck?!"

Startled and looking at the one who enter the door, there I saw Wakasa who have wounds on his body alone.

Where are the others? Why is he alone? I run to him as I get the first aid kit to my bag.

He slammed on the sofa with such lazily look. I attend to him and start examining his face.

With a clean towel and small basin I wet the towel and start cleaning his wounds.

Holding his face that have scratches I wipe the open wound, next his forearm and arms that also have cut and gash.

After cleaning his wound I get the cold water and soap to treat his wounds one more time.

"This is going to hurt a bit hmnkay?"

I warn but he just let me tend his wounds while staring at me.

I slowly dip the dry cloth to the cold basin with ice and dip it on his check to stop the bleeding after I run the soap on my hand.

Rubbing my hand that have soap and cold water I tend his wounds. Since it's not recommended to use alcohol to treat a wound.

After doing it I get the betadine and put it on the cotton ball.

Flinching a bit I can say that he's doing his best not to push me, after putting the bandage on his checks I start doing his arms.

After a minute of tending his wounds I put the first aid kit back to my bag, ever since I knew who they are I start keeping a first aid kit to me.

Sitting beside and staring at him I sigh.

He's now laying on the sofa while staring at the ceiling.

"So what happened Wakasa??"

Leg cross, both elbow on my thigh and chin on my hand I stare at him.

"Some random fights."

He answered before looking at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

Some random fights my ass, It looks more like an ambush. I know Wakasa is strong so there's no way in hell that he'll have this kind of damage.

He's not a special attack unit captain for nothing.

"Really? Why do you look like a shit then?"

He stare at me for a moment before he stand up and grab my wrist, he let me sit on the sofa.

Sitting beside me he instantaneously snake his arms on my hips making me move a bit but he firmly hold me.

"Stay." He whisper softly as his chin rest on my shoulder.

I sigh before clinging one of my arms around his shoulder and play with his hair gently.


We stay in that position for a minute before he stand up and walk away.

I stare at him dumbfounded as he lay on the other sofa. What the hell?

That's when someone enter the room.

"Waka! What the hell?! Why didn't you contact us when they cornered you?!"

𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐩 || Wakasa ImaushiWhere stories live. Discover now