Twenty two

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1 month later.

“Elle smile a bit, turn your head on the right.”

The photographer said as he continue to take my picture for the monthly calendar theme.

"Nice shots Elle, good work again today!”

I smile and sit on my place as the assistant start removing my make up.

“You slay again Elle see you tom!”

I wave a bit and look at the mirror. I’m a part-time model for a month now, not that I can’t provide money for myself but just for fun as I stay in Brazil.

A month ago I was lost for where should I start, that’s when I remember I have my other half in here. And when I say other half it's like he's the yin and I'm the yang.

I look for him and ask the commoners in the neighborhood that’s near in his place but they always, always close their doors after hearing his name.

It's the fifteenth times that I'm answered by a door closing after asking. I sigh, I need to find Cielo!

I saw a man’s smoking near me, he have tattoos maybe he's a gangster here so I decided to ask him, I jab him a bit and smile.

“Hi, Sorry to bother you but can I ask something?”

I said and he nod looking me from head to toe.

“Do you know Terano? Terano Minami?”

His face darkened and to my shock he suddenly point a gun to my head.

“Who the fuck are you?”

He ask while giving me a sharp gaze. I irk my forehead and raised both of my hand.

“Ellenilla, I need to see—”

My sentence was cut off when he almost hit me with his gun luckily I avoided it but that makes him more aggrieved, what the fuck is his problem?

He point the gun to me again but before he could pull the trigger I kick his hand and release a powerful kick to aim for his head.


He cussed and about to stand up again, when I pin his body in a prone position using my heeled boots. I reach for the gun beside him and point it to his parietal.

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