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It's been two years since I met Shinichiro and his gang. I grew closer to them specially to Shin. I was cooking in their kitchen when I feel someone snake an arms to my waist, without even looking I can sense that it is him.

"What you cooking??" He ask as his chin is resting on my shoulder, I hum and show the pan to him.

"Steak, I learn it to Mr. Peter so I'm trying to cook for the gang."

I feel him nodding still hugging me, I smile and turn to him a bit.

"Move Shin, wait in the dining table please?"

I ask but he's busy smelling my shoulder, he snarl a bit yet do what I ask for and he literally wait in the dining table with his elbow up on the table and chin on his hands he watched me.

I giggled before I flip the beef and put the sauce after a minutes of preparing.

I scoop a small portion to taste it when I remember I have an audience that's watching me.

I walk to Shin and carefully blow the spoon and extend it to him, he open his mouth while looking at me as I watched his expression.

"How's the taste?" He licked his lips before he smile.

"Is that really your first time?" He ask with an amuse expression, I rolled my eyes and poke his forehead.

"Yes it is, so don't sugarcoat me mister" I hissed but he just laugh before pulling me to a hug I comb his hair gently as I wait for the answer.

"It taste so good, so I'm sure they'll like it." He said after he released his hug.

We ready the dining table and called for the three, Benkei and Omi appear as they have a beam expression.

"You cook for us?" Omi ask as his sit on his place.

"Are you a Samaritan?" Benkrei blurted out and get the placemats.

I just laugh and walk to the bathroom to wash up, yet when I'm about to turn I suddenly bump to someone making the two of us too fall because of the strong impact, but before I could tumble to the ground someone catch me quickly holding my wrist firmly and supporting my waist.

Instinctively I grab the nape of the man that catch me and that's when I saw who he is. Waka.

We stared for a moment as I was heavily breathing because of the sudden adrenaline rush, he kept staring until he slowly lift me still supporting my waist.

After I composed myself I smile to him.

"Nice catch Waka!" And tap his shoulder before entering the comfort room.

Damn that was close.

After a minute inside the comfort room I get back to the dining room. 'They wait for me.'

I smile looking at how the four gentlemen sit there while waiting for me and not touching their foods.

"Let's eat??" I ask and sit beside Shin, I don't even know how we end up in this sitting arrangement in the first place, in front of me Is Waka who's now eating.

"This is so good Nilla!" Omi plaudits while eating and smiling so as Benkei.

"You really are Black Dragon's angel Nilla!" Benkei added I smile and let them enjoy the food that I make just for them.

Out of nowhere I stare at Waka while we're all eating.

Well I look at him sometimes when we're all eating together but now I'm literally staring at him that he actually sense it.

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