Thirty Seven

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"Ms. Elle! It's nice to have you back in Japan again!"

"Oh, well, what can I say? After all, Japan is my home."

I laugh as the anchor start filling me with their curiosity. It's been two days since the last time I saw Waka. Maybe he's still upset and needs some space.

"I can see that your finger is glowing. Is that what I think it is? Elle?"

I giggled. He already noticed it the moment I entered the show, but he didn't let chances escape for me to answer his obvious question.

I raised my fingers a bit, giving the audience a clear view of my engagement ring. It glows together with the earring my fiancé gave me.

"Yup. It is."

I said with a smile. Gasp and astonishment filled the room, but who am I to deny these diamonds circling my fingers? Especially when it's Waka who gave this to me.

"You're engaged, congratulations! But as far as I remember, you said you have no room for love?"

I laughed and shook my head,

"Well, If it's him, who am I to have 'no room for love'."

The anchor looks at me with amusement as he laughs with my retort.

"Is it the father of twins?"

He added. I chew my cheeks, heart dance within my vision as I nod.

"He's a Japanese?!"

The surprise anchor confirmed still digesting the information that I'm spitting out. I laugh wholeheartedly and nod again.

"Yes, he is Japanese."

He clap with such amusement in his gesture, the audience's loud gasp is heard all over the studio too.

"When is the wedding? Do you have any plans for it already?"

I smiled and shook my head.

"We're still trying to patch things up, especially with the twins. I want them to form a sturdy bond to their father and makeup all the years that they've missed."

The anchor awe in aversion not expecting my response.

"If it's the father of twins, are we expecting a new member of the family?"

He inquires, totally diverting the question earlier. I took a deep breath, slowly moved my head.

"No. Still don't have any plans for that too."

The interview continued as I answered all the questions.

"Thank you for tonight, Ms. Elle! Hope to have the next meeting with you soon!" I smile and bow,

"I hope too!"

I answered and made my way to the dressing room. I checked my phone to see if Waka left some messages, but I got nothing.

"Where is he?"

I uttered and changed my clothes. I dialed Takeomi's phone to ask if he was with Waka as I checked my pouch where my vitamins and pills are placed.


Takeomi answered. I continue to search my pouch,

"Hi, Takeomi, just want to ask if you're with Waka?"

I hissed, 'Where're my pills?' It's only the vitamins that are on my pouch, fuck.

"Oh. He's with me in his place."

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