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Things got busy again as the Christmas is near. Mr. Peter and I are on the mall to buy some new decoration for the house, he said that I'm not obliged to come with him but I insist.

Wearing a partnered black suit together we enter the mall, everyone's head turn to us while we walked inside.

We look like some men in black partner, I giggled and walk confidently beside Mr. Peter.

"I told you, that you should just stay at home Ms. Elle."

He said as we enter the department store, I just smile and clung to his arm.

"Come on Mr. Peter don't you miss hanging out with me? I bet you do." I teased and saw how soft he look to me, he smile and nod.

"Yes, you're right Ms. Elle. I hope we enjoy the day together."

He said before he look for Christmas decorations. Mr. Peter pick every decoration that would suit my taste and let me decide for what I want.

"How about this one Ms. Elle?"

He raised a set of white and gold garlands to me and white leaves, guess will be having a white Christmas this year ha.

I nod and get some white Christmas ball and light.

"Look Mr. Peter! Let's have a matching sweater!"

As I heft the white sweater that I find cool to him, he smile and agree to it. After buying things that we need, we decided to eat.

"Mr. Peter, are you sure you don't want a family of yours?"

I ask and stuff a mouthful scoop of salad that we order together. He look at me before He smile and nod.

"I'm fine with it, beside I'm already behind my youth so it's fine Ms. Elle."

But he still need a family of his own.

"Well you can look for at least a wife? You know the one that you want to spend your life with."

He chuckle before he smile, but I can see a faint sadness in his eyes guess we stick to each other that long 'cause I can distinguish what he really fell.

"The truth Ms. Elle is that I'm just living my life and waiting for my time because the one I want to spend my life with already left me."

He said with a sad smile. I stare at him with awe and smile sadly.

"Guess your stuck with me for a while Mr. Peter."

Then smiled widely to him. Literally I'm so lucky to have Mr. Peter to guide me up until now. Soon you'll have the life that you deserve Mr. Peter.

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