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“I wonder if it’s a girl, it would be good if it’s a girl.”

I murmured and fixed the flower that Wakasa gave me the other day,

“Well, if it’s a girl would it look like Waka or me? It’d be great to see a girl version of Waka.”

I giggled, imagining a little girl who look exactly like Wakasa, the droopy lilac orbs, long eye lashes, pointed nose, and his charisma.

Putting my elbow on the island counter and chin to my hands. I stared at the baby breath in front of me. I hummed and shift my gape at our family portrait hang in the dining hall, we managed to have a decent photo after the chaos birthday party of my fiancé. I hummed as I play the baby breath that I arrange.

I’m so in love with you and I hope you know...

Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold~

We’ve come so far, my dear look how we’ve grown

And I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old

Just say you won’t let go
Just say you won’t let go—”

I look back when someone take my hand away from the baby breath and saw Waka who just got out of our room, standing on my side having his usual drowsy yet bewitching look, it’s only nine thirty in the morning.

“Continue Wife. I love your voice.”

I stare at him through my shoulder since he turn my back to him, he cross my arms and hold my hands from behind. He hummed when I didn’t continue and start singing.

“When you looked over your shoulder.

For a minute, I forget that I’m older.

I wanna dance with you right now.

Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever and I swear that everyday you’ll get better.

You make me feel this way somehow.”

He whispered. I stood there lost at words and taken a back with his melodic glacial tone. He crooned and continue to sway me, giving my neck small kisses.

“You have a pleasing voice too, Waka.” I compliment. He laugh on my back and hug me more.

“I only sing for you.” He whispered, kissing my cheeks this time, his palm reach for my tummy and caress it.

“We have a baby right here.” He uttered. I nod, this time I take the lead to sway him.

“I wanna live with you even when we’re ghosts

‘Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most

I’m gonna love you ‘til my lungs give out

I promise ‘til death we part like in our vows

So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows that it’s just you and me ‘til we’re grey and old

Just say you won’t let go
Just say you won’t let go~.”

He continue to rock me from side to side. He hold my hand that have the three engagement ring that he gave me.

“I love you.” He whispered with a tons of amour in his tone as he play my fingers. I chuckled with his small interplay.

Ever since he found out that I’m pregnant he stop touching or doing any sexual intercourse that I’m starting to regret telling it to him, yet he become more close to me and overprotective that it get to the point where he cancelled all my arrangement in the agency for a whole year.

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