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A week after that I can say that something change. Shin who usually spend his time fixing bikes is nowhere to be found, it's like he's busy than ever that I can't even spot him at their hideout.

"Class be ready for next weeks midterms we're already close on finals so do your best that's all, class dismissed!"

I look at the window again and stare outside for a while sighing I tap on my table, Calculus again.

I want to ask Shin for some help but I think it's not the best time for it, yet I'll try asking.

Dialing his number I wait for answer, after a few seconds of ringing he pick up.

"Hey Nilla! What's up?"

oh maybe he's not busy now.

"Hey Shin, my midterms are just around the corner can I ask for a hand??"

I said hesitantly while biting my lips and tapping my finger.

"Nilla, will go first ha lock the door when you leave."

Some of my classmate said before leaving the room, I wave my goodbye and smile to them.

"This weekend Nilla? I'm free those day, I'll teach you at the hideout 'k?"

I smile after hearing his answer before I big my goodbye to him.

I stand up and lock the room door and decided to go home.

Saturday came and I ready myself before going to the hideout, wearing white sleeveless shirt tucked in my black skirt with a three button checkered blazer.

Walking on my way to the hideout makes me beam. I'll see them again, specially Shin.

Holding my tote bag tightly I suddenly stop at the front door of the hideout.

I can hear laughter's from the other side, Hearing Omi, Benkei and Shin's laugh makes me think twice if I should enter or not.

Oh yeah, maybe I shouldn't disturb them.

I sight and turn my back just to see Waka leaning on the side wall, oddly I didn't sense him.

"You won't go?"

He ask while holding the stick of his lollipop. I just shake my head.

"Oh god Natalie! You got the humor, I never laugh like this in my life!"

Benkei shout and laugh, I can feel the wild and nice ambience of the room even if I didn't enter because of their laughter.

Why do I feel so down right now?

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