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The rain didn't stop from falling heavily as we run faster and look for Waka and Benkei, the cold wind swift while the three of us catch for our breathe.

"Shit, where is that southern parking lot Shin?!"

I angrily shout we've been running for ages that I don't know where we are now!

I just want to join and see Waka!

Frustratedly I follow the two gentlemen in front of me.

"We're near Nilla!"

Omi shouted back and run faster until I hear a loud brawl as we take turn to the other side.


I whispered looking at the open site that we reach, a large mass of people are crowd in there.

"Estimated?" Shin ask.

We observe for a second before start running again.

"800." Omi said.


They really want Waka and Benkei's cold bodies. We rush like a wind, just to find Waka and Benkei side by side fighting the other gangs.

"You two will die hear White leopard! Red cliff!"

Someone shouted and the other cheered more when they hear that. The three of us halt after finding an opening to join the large brawl.

There I saw Waka who's soaked because of the rain but still standing and look so uninterested in the fight making the other gangs to be pissed and triggered considering that this should be their 'execution.'

I stop running for a minute and stare at him, did I just underestimate Wakasa Imaushi?

I laugh loudly and smile.


I was damn worried for nothing!

"Who's that?"

"Is she one of us?"

"Idiot! That's the dragon leash!"

The fight pause for a moment seeing that a mere lady is laughing to this big brawl.

"Oh god! Don't mind me!"

I laugh again before I look at Waka who look shock right now, oh so his emotion can change now.


I yelled his name and wave but before I could run to him a punch is about to meet my stomach.

𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐩 || Wakasa ImaushiWhere stories live. Discover now