Thirty nine

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I crooned, holding the rectangular box in my hands and smiling, too excited to give it to my husband.

I check my figure once again, wearing a long fitted slit dress, my waist-length hair flowing, three inches gold stilettos, and light make-up. I’m gorgeously ready.

“Is everything ready?”

South asked after peeking behind the door. Nodding, I made my way to him and clung my arms to his biceps.

“Yups, my fiancé?”

He raised his brows a moment,

“Still clueless.”

I smile. That’s good. Knowing my quick-witted fiancé, there’s no way he won’t smell something fishy, but I guess we outsmart him.

“The twins are ready. We should hurry.”

The soft uncle said and mercilessly pulled me for us to walk faster.

“Aye, aye. Chill.”

He just ignored me and continued to walk until we reached the car. The twins are sitting handsomely in the car wearing their matching white polo and beige pants,

“Mama!” I smiled as I joined them.

“My babies.” I maffle, showering them with my smooches.

“Argh, mama, you’ll ruin our attire.”

Kana complain, trying to imitate his father, but his cute giggles flee frenziedly,

“Aww, my baby, it doesn’t matter. You still look good.”

And try to hug him, but my mature baby moves away from me. On the other hand, Washi closes our gap and encircles his small arms to mine.


He called, burying his body to mine. The soft baby.


I patted his head and placed him on my lap laterally. I can feel the other twin stares at us, sulking on my side as he steals glances at his brother and me. South start the engine, on his side is Kakucho.

“Will go now, Mistress.”

Kakucho said. I nod and pull my sulking baby closer to mine. Wakana didn’t say anything. I smile when he relaxes his body and hugs my side.

“You smell nice, mama.”

Washi murmured.

“You look, pulchritudinous mama.”

Kana followed. I eyed him with a questioning look.

“That’s... a big word, darling.”

I commented. Washi chuckled as his twins started to have a blend tint of rose in his cheeks.

“He practices that word for days, mama.”

He whispered, but Kana heard it.

“I, ahmn never mind, mama.”

Washi laughed this time, annoying his shy brother.

“It’s alright, darling. I want to hear your thoughts.”

I assured Kana, yet he just nodded until his twin whispered something to him. Words of encouragement.

‘It’s alright, and it’s mom. You don’t have to be on guard, brother.’

I can clearly hear Washi, but I wait for Kana’s decision. He looks up at me and nods to Washi.

“When I first read that word, you’re the first person that came to my mind, mama, that’s why I practiced it, and, and, it fits you perfectly!”

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