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It really is a grand funeral held in the mansion of Suzuki, Limiting the guesses since what happened is an assassination.

Only the Sano's family, Waka, Benkei, Omi and the house helper are present on the day of funeral, and on that day all the people under my dad's command become mine.

Even the yakuza that's under him become mine.

It's not a big shock to me because I know that my dad is not an ordinary man he just really adore my real 'dad' that's why he ended up in our house now I wonder how cool my dad is to put a leader of yakuza to be our butler.


The men who's in black wearing those katana in their sides called me.

"From now on, the will of our leader will be our will. Let us serve you till our last breath."

They pledge right in front of my dads coffin. I stare at them while they bow to me and offer their swords to me.

They will be the last memorabilia of my dad, I smile a bit and held my hand to them.

"I'll be on your care."

They kissed my hand and bow again with a pleasing expression. After they left the black dragon enter the room, wearing the white suits that my dad gifted them they place their offering.

I smile and let them have their prayers. I take a seat and watch the whole scenery right in front of me.

Never in my wildest imagination that this how my dad will meet his end. I look up to Waka who put a scarf on me. I lay my head beside him. He soothingly caress my back and hold my hand.

"I'm here okay? Always."

He murmured, I smile and nod.

"Nilla-chan..." That's when Emma and Manjiro join us, they hug me both and softly patted me.

"We're here Nilla-chan."

I smile and hug them back. May be dad and my parents really love me.

They never left me alone.

Yet I still feel empty.

Days passed by until it is the last funeral wake. Sitting beside my dad the priest gave a short mass and let everyone who wants to bid their goodbyes to my dad.

I look far away us the priest continue the sermon.

"Ms. Suzuki any last message?"

The priest ask me, I'm wearing a black colored dress everything that I'm wearing is black since it is my dad's favorite color. I smile and look at my dad who's peacefully sleeping like he not been shot.

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