Twenty eight

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"Doc, we'll perform the surgery in 5 minutes."

The doctor nod to my cue after we ready all the needed tools and apparatus in the emergency room.

"Check for the blood pressure, where's the anesthesiologist?"

I raised my hand before looking at the patient.

"I'm here-doc."

"Check the patient now."

I nod and start my job, he's unconscious, after evaluating the patient. I look back at the generator and ready the general anesthesia to put him in a deep sleep and regional anesthesia for numbing all the nerves that will be moved.

"We'll start the surgery now. Ready?"

"Ready Doc."

The surgery takes more than an hour because the bullet was located in one of the patient's vital organs.

"Where's the MRI?"

I reach the photo beside me and let the doctor examine it, he nods. He adjusts his sleeves up before he asks for the tools.


The other doctor assists us while I stand beside the patient to check his condition. The operation is going smoothly when someone suddenly calls me.


I look at the nurse who call me.

"Someone use your emergency number."

I irk my forehead before she charge to my post. I scratch my forehead out of irritation, I really don't want someone to interrupt me when I'm working but using my emergency number this must be urgent, could it be the twins?


"Mistress it's Kakucho."

I stop for a bit and look at the call, it's from Japan? What the hell?

"Mistress sorry for—"

"I'm in the operation room right now, I'll call you later."

I didn't wait for his answer to end the call. I'll deal with him later.

"Suzuki check the homeostasis of the patient."

I nod and observe the patient as the doctor continues to do the operation

"Yes, Doc."

We've been standing for almost nine hours now. The operation is a dangerous one, that's why there are three doctors in here.

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