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Hero outfits are above you are more than welcome to choice your own if you don't like this ones :)


I hit my clock and wake up. I open my window and breathe in the fresh air I take a shower and head downstairs to make myself my lunch.

"Hmm, Katsudon or Teriyaki?"



You take out all the stuff and make your food. You then get a call from your sister, "Sakura" she's also a hero. She works at UA as a teacher and believe it or not she actually has a crush. On who? Ectoplasm. Anway back to you!

"Hi, Sakura how can I help you."

"Hi, Yui um I- we need your help here at the school."

"Sure what is it?"

"*sigh* Aizawa is sick and we have no teacher to teach the class, so can you come?"

"Sure. Just send me the schedule."

"Ok, thanks."


You hang up and finish your breakfast you pack up your lunch and get changed. You head to the school and secretly get changed into your uniform. Where? (At a friend's house). You stop by a convenience store and buy some coffee and on your way you take some pictures with civilians.

You get to the school and you're welcomed by principal Nezu.

"Hi, Mr. Nezu."

"Hi, Keket. So you must be Flares, sister?"

(Flare is Sakuras hero name)

"Yes, sir."

"Let me lead you to the class.

You nod and follow him he then gives you a folder.

"So, Eraserhead will be absent for the next week. All the assignments are in your folder and so are the names and the seat arrangements."

"And the schedule?"

"It's also there."

"Oh, ok. Um, is there anything I should know?"

"So, um the kids might be an um bit of trouble sometimes."

"Ok, don't worry I'll make sure they listen."

He smiles and you two get to the class. Class 2-A. Uh?

"I'll let you be if you need any help just ask someone also the school's map is in there."

"Ok, thanks, sir."

He nods and leaves you alone. You sigh and enter the room. Everyone was talking and as soon as they see you a boy ing lasses scream:


they all turn to you and they do as told. They then sit down, smile, and close the door.

"Hi, class I'm-"

"The hero Keket?!" A boy with green hair screams.

"Um, *giggle* yes. Thanks."


"So, today according to the assignment you guys will be reading a book and doing a report on it. Any questions?"

"What kind of book?" A pink girl says.

"According to the assignment any book. BUT it needs to be school-appropriate. ALSO, NO GROUPS! You can go around and talk with your friend, BUT keep your voices low. Got it?"

They all nod and you smile. Some get out some books and some come to the desk where you were at sitting and taking attendance.

"Miss?" the boy with glasses says.


"Um, what if we have no books to read, currently?"

You look at them and try to think.

"Is there a library, here?"

They all nod and you get up.

"Ok, class so we will head to the library and there you will be doing your assignments! If you don't have a book you will get one and then do your work! Ok?"

They all nod and you all go to the library. You get there and a boy in blonde screams.


You turn to him with a glare.

"HEY!" He turns to you.

"Keep your voice down! And don't speak that way to others!"

"Or what?"

You go up to him and grab him.

"Everybody do as said, please."

they all go and you make the blonde guy sit down. You then give him some paper.

"Make me a 4-page assignment-"


"Don't make me call your parents and the principal! And don't disrespect others!"

He turns his head down.

"Write about why you should respect others, listen to your teacher, and listen to the rules. got it?"

He nods and you take your laptop out to do the assignment. You hear some whispering and you turn to a boy with.. what looked like grapes on his head. Then a young girl appears.

"Um, hi miss Keket."

"Oh, hi what's your name?"


"Ok, Oraka how can I help you?"

"We're quite surprised."


"Not many teachers make Bakugo be this way."

"What way?"

"Well, quiet and not rude."

You laugh and notice the young guy with grapes on his head.

"That's Mineta, miss."

"Thanks, Oraka. You're my favorite already."

She smiles and Lida gets jealous in a funny way. You all stay there and the bell rings for lunch.

"Everyone head to lunch after lunch we will all be in the class!"

They all nod and head to the class. While heading to the class you look at the schedule.

"Huh, a presentation is gonna be given by a her-"

You slip with something and you close your eyes and...

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