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6-month time skip

I wake up and look at my alarm

"Fuck I overslept!"

I get up and find my husband with our babies. He was playing with them and they were giggling, he was holding our daughter and our son was on his back. He turns to me and I smile.

"Sorry, I didn't wake you up. I wanted you to get some rest."

"It's ok." I say with a smile.

I go to him and pick up my son.

"Did you give them milk?"

"Yes, and they are now playing."

I giggle and look at my husband play with our daughter, I give him our son and they start playing. They looked so cute together. He gives them a plushie and our daughter starts hitting it. We laugh and our son joins his sisters.

"Your son is just like you."

"And your daughter like you."

I laugh and head to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. While doing so I watch them and our son starts hitting his daddy. Hope starts crawling and looks at my katana, she looks at it in fascination and tries to grab iut.


He turns and before my katana and drops and hits Hope he grabs her. It falls and hits his head, she and her brother giggle and go to my husband.

"You okay?"


I grab the katana and place it in a safe place.

"Oh, Hope come to mommy."

I pick her up and check for any injuries.

"You scared us."

I hold her tight, and my husband gets up. I then look at the empty pantry.

"You can go."

"Y-You sure?"

He nods and I kiss him, I grab my bag and kiss our children goodbye, and head to the store.

Orca p.o.v

Yuri leaves and I take our kids to the nursery, they play with their toys. My son grabs my shirt and starts biting it, I grab him and cradle him.

"I forgot you two are already starting to grow teeth."

I put Orme down and yawns, I grab him and he falls asleep I place him on his crib and I grab Hope. She looks at me and touches my fin I chuckle and she touches my nose. She yawns and I place her on her crib.

25 minutes later

I was now on the couch with the kids, Yuri comes back with groceries and she quickly grabs our kids.

"Did you two hurt daddy?"

"*chuckle* No they didn't."

"Let's go out and go for a stroll."

I nod and get the babies ready.


We were out for a stroll, and Yuri was holding onto my arm. The babies were in their stroller and we were walking, the sky was blue and the wind made the weather just right.

Our babies start giggling and Yuri goes to get some ice cream.

Yuri p.o.v

I get some ice cream and by when I come back they were near the flower garden. A butterfly lands on Hopes' hand and she gets scared.

"Don't worry sweetie the butterfly won't hurt you."

It lands on Orca's finger and he places it on the flower they look at the butterfly and I admire them.



I was in my pajamas and I went to my children's room, my husband was cradling and singing to them. They slowly fall asleep, and I turn the lights off, their lamp gets turned on. They yawn and fall asleep, I kiss them goodnight and as I'm leaving I look back to see Orca looking at them in awe.

I was now in our bedroom on our bed reading a book, my husband comes in and cuddles with me. He lays his head on my breast and cuddles, I giggle and caress his head.


"Hmm?" I turn to him, and he starts sitting up, he places his hand on my cheek and caresses it.

"Thank you. Thanks for giving me the best things any man could ask for. First, you give me your love, then your hand in marriage, and now... you gave me a family."

"Oh, Orca." I caress his cheek, and we kiss.

"Your the best wife, mother, and woman anyone could ask for."

I tear up tears of happiness at this and kiss him, we cuddle together and head to sleep in each other's embrace. 

MY ORCA: Gang Orca X readerWhere stories live. Discover now