one - the mesmerizing you

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Xiao finally arrived in school. He walked in the long hallway, getting blocked by groups of ladies. A confused look took over Xiao's face.

???: He looks so pretty!!

???: I know right!

Xiao only heard those words coming from the young ladies, the rest was chitter and chatter. He looked around to see if someone could help him on his first day of Teyvat Highschool, his attention got thrown towards a boy giggling with somewhat tall guy.

Black hair, separated in braids. Faded into blue aqua tips, and a cute smile.

He looks.. pretty. Xiao imagined. He tried to escape from the girls surrounding him to catch up with the 'pretty boy' he saw. The boy started to walk to his class with the tall guy he's with, Xiao thought he couldn't catch up with him, but got to.


The boy turned around to see Xiao catching his breath from chasing up.

???: Hello! How may I help you?

Xiao stood up properly, tho still trying to pick up his breath. He wasn't the type of boy to run around.

Can you help me to get my schedule? I'm.. new here.

???: I see, Welcome to Teyvat Highschool! I'll bring you to the principal's office to take your schedule.

The boy grabbed Xiao's hand to the principal's office, leaving his friend out. Xiao flinched, gazed onto their holding hands. His hands.. feel comfy and soft. Xiao's thoughts snapped out to reality when he realized they're already infront of the office door. The boy opened the door for him with a smile. Xiao slightly smiled back, entering the cold room.

Good morning, How may I help you?

The principal spoke.

I'm.. I'm here to take my schedule.

So you're a new student? What's your name?

Yes. My name is Xiao Alatus.

Okay, sit down while I go look for your schedule.

Xiao and the boy sat down beside each other on the couch while the principal stood up and went to find his schedule.

So.. Your name is Xiao?

The braided boy looked to Xiao with his green rounded eyes.


Woahh! I love your name! Mine's Venti!

Venti.. huh. Pretty name.

Xiao nodded to Venti, mesmerized by his appearance. Venti shared a bright smile of his to Xiao.


357 words.

Mesmerized by you - XiaoVenWhere stories live. Discover now