three - jealousy

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Skipping time.. 4:38 PM ; after school.

Xiaoo! Let's hangout with Kaeya!


Xiao turned to Venti, cluelessly asking. 

Oh I meant we're gonna hangout with my friend! You know, that tall guy I was with?

Venti told. Xiao felt a sudden reaction clenching through his heart. Let's say.. Jealousy? So Xiao nodded.

Yay! It's gonna be so fun I promise!

Xiao smiled as Venti shared the excitement he had, still feeling a bit of the same feeling he consciously felt. Venti tagged Kaeya along to Xiao.

This is Kaeya!

The darker skin colored man waved to Xiao with a smile, while Xiao is looking at him with a glare.

Oh-hoh, What's with that look? Are you jealous?

Kaeya mysteriously asked, with a light smirk around his face. Xiao looked to Venti who was patiently waiting while scrolling on his mobile. 

It's nothing.

Xiao jealously replied, as Kaeya chuckled. 

Would you like to go grab a drink, Venti?

Venti lit up his head to Kaeya and excitedly accepted his request. Xiao was just standing there, has his arms crossed above his chest. Venti took both there hands to the nearby café.

What would you guys want to order?

The braided boy smiled. 

Order me anything.

Venti nodded and turned towards Kaeya.

You know what I'll order.

Hehe, On it!

Kaeya signaled Xiao to sit with him for a 'talk', Xiao obeyed and sat down infront of him.

So, why were you looking at me with that suspicious glare of yours? 

Silence took over their conversation, Kaeya being patient.

Do you like.. Venti?

242 words.

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