extra - love is a lifestyle

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A sound of a hot boiling pot surrounds the room, a boy with braided hair stirring up the soup inside. Two slim arms slithers around the boy's waist,

"Just wait, Xiao. The soup isn't finished yet." The braided boy giggled and sets the spoon down to turn around and face Xiao. He wrapped his arms around Xiao and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Xiao blushed slightly at the kiss, sharing a small smile to the boy.

"I'm hungry so hurry up, Venti." Xiao laid his head on Venti's shoulder.

"Alright, alright. Just wait, love." Venti smiled and turned back to the soup he was making. Xiao glanced at the calendar for a moment, "Ven.. Can you believe it's been five years of us being together?"

"I can't believe that either.." Venti giggled. "It's been a few months since we've seen Hu Tao, do you both still text?"

"Yes, she still annoys me." Xiao buried his face in Venti's neck. "Hu Tao is Hu Tao herself, I say she's quite the energetic one indeed." Venti scooped up a spoonful of the soup, giving it a taste. "I guess this isn't that bad.. You want some?" Xiao nodded. Venti then took a bowl and poured some of the soup for Xiao.

Xiao loved Venti's cooking. He learned how to cook just to feed Xiao.

"Here you go~" Venti placed a spoon with it and gave it to Xiao. "Be careful, don't waste my hard work!" He giggled. Xiao chuckled and nodded, taking the bowl of soup. "This is miso soup, right?" Xiao asked. "Yep! I learned how to make it from the internet." Xiao then took a sip of the soup, his eyes sparkling in delight. "It's.. delicious, love. Thank you." Xiao smiled softly to Venti. Xiao grew emotions and learned them while being with Venti. Venti was clearly happy and proud of him.

"Are you up to go out tonight?" Xiao asked, directly. Venti tilted his head in amusement. "Always up to go out with you, love!" He grinned brightly. Xiao chuckled, he loves it when Venti's like this.

They spent all their hours in Venti's apartment, waiting for the time to go out together.

"Shall we get ready now?" Xiao asked. "Yeah! I want to watch the sunset with you!" Venti cheered excitedly and quickly went through his closet for a cute outfit. Xiao giggled at Venti's silliness and changed his shirt to a hooded shirt while he waited for Venti.

When Venti was all changed, he showed up wearing casual but still cute clothing he could find in his closet. Xiao smiled at Venti. He still doesn't believe he graduated high school with him, now they're both adults, spending their lives together. "Let's go before the sun sets!" Venti grabbed Xiao's hand and took him outside. Xiao chuckled, coming along with him. He started leading Venti to a small beach they always hung out nearby.

Once they arrived, they stood there together, their hands holding, gazing at the sun setting for the scenery in front of them. "It's still as beautiful as always.." Venti said in a soft voice. The beautiful orange hue covering the sky. Xiao looked at Venti and admired him for a moment, Venti still distracted and amazed by the sunset. "Like you." Xiao gave a small smile. Venti then looked at Xiao when he said that with his head slightly tilted. He just giggled at Xiao's simple compliment. Until now, it still flutters his heart whenever Xiao compliments him.

They took a few moments to gaze into the sun that's setting beautifully, Xiao took a deep breath and faced Venti, taking both of his hands into his.

"Venti, I've been wanting to ask you a question."

Venti's head turned to look at him with curiosity in his face.

"What is it?" His body faced Xiao.

Xiao knelt down on the sand, pulling out a ring. The ring that Venti always wanted. The ring he bought for Venti a long time ago. It was still on perfect condition, and was still shining. Venti was completely shocked and happy tears started forming in his eyes.

"Will you.. marry me?"

"Yes! Yes, I will be yours forever!!" Venti hugged Xiao tightly, happy tears falling down his cheeks but he was still smiling. The brightest smile you've ever seen.

Xiao slightly jumped at Venti's sudden action but hugged him back. As they pulled away, Venti smiled and Xiao smiled back, finally putting the ring in Venti's finger.

Mesmerized by you - XiaoVenWhere stories live. Discover now