two - falling inlove

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Xiao blushed, seeing his cute smile.

Oh? Are you sick, Xiao? You're all red!

Venti puts his hands to Xiao's forehead to check his temperature.

O-oh.. I'm fine.


The braided boy said, putting his hands on Xiao's cheeks, squishing them.

Chubby cheeks~ ehe.

The other boy turned more red, memorizing how his hands felt holding his face.

Here is your schedule.

The principal handed papers to Xiao, as he recieved them and looked to Venti that was about to speak.

Thank you Lady Ningguang!

Ningguang nodded as she shooed the students away, but not in a rude way. Venti giggled in Ningguang's action, asking Xiao;

Sooo~ what classes do you have?~

Xiao just showed him his schedule. No reactions on what he just asked. Venti smiled.

We both have Music class and English class! Yahoo~

Xiao smiled a bit from his little excitement. They got separated to their first classes. Xiao going to Science and Venti going to History. Xiao couldn't stop thinking about Venti during their laboratory experiment. 

Xiao? Are you paying attention?

The teacher called Xiao out which made him come back to reality.

Yes, sir.

Xiao answered, confused of why was Venti stuck in his mind. His eyes we're so pretty, his skin looked so smooth to touch, his face seemed so soft, and his lips.. made Xiao want to kiss him. The bell rang right after the lesson ended, Xiao quickly grabbed his stuff to find Venti.

Xiaoo~! I'm here!

Venti shouted along with his bright smile. Xiao ran to Venti, lost his breath. Like I said, he wasn't the type of boy to run around.

Did you miss me?

Yes. He imagined.

Shut up, It's just been one class.

Xiao lied while Venti pouted.

Well come on! Let's take our books for English class!

The other boy just nodded, falling inlove with him.


294 words.

Mesmerized by you - XiaoVenWhere stories live. Discover now