twenty - spree first, party later

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Much, much time passed. Qiqi had to go home by the day before the party was held.

I'll come by next time.

See you, Qiqi!!

XiaoVen waved to her and Ganyu as they left.

That was a fun experience babysitting~

Venti told.

Well, you should be lucky that Qiqi isn't so tiring to take care of.

Xiao leaned by the door once the braided boy closed it. Venti giggled.

How about we go to the mall to pick our outfits for the party? Of course it has to be a surprise right? Hehe!

Archons, Venti is always so cute.



Venti hugged Xiao as he smiled. Of course Xiao hugged back, he would never decline it. He then looked at the clock that was hung on the wall, 3:40 PM.

Shall we go now? Though the party is in 6PM?

Let's go.

The braided boy smiled, leaving to go outdoors first. Xiao followed.

When they arrived to the mall

Uwaahh~ So many cool shops!

Venti was astonished. Xiao chuckled by his reaction.

Let's go this shop.

He took the shop's mention for the topic. Venti nodded and followed him inside. The store's air condition scent filled in, Full of decent suits for men and outfits for women. The braided boy's jaw dropped from all the stylish clothings surrounded. Xiao was amazed but still had to keep his blank, cold look on top of the hidden reaction.

Venti already started looking all over the store for an outfit that can suit the school party's vibe while Xiao just kept looking throughout the styles for now, before picking up his choice. Venti was acting suspiciously secretive with the style he picked, luckily Xiao didn't notice. He went to the fitting room to try it out himself, then the other started to pick up his style choices as he was changing. And of course, he also has to be secretive about the clothes he chose.

His opportunity was long enough to find the perfect suit to impress Venti for the celebration. Xiao rushed to the fitting room beside him on perfect timing, right when Venti came out to cash out the clothes of his choice. He walked to the counter to check out.

Good afternoon!

The cashier worker smiled to Venti.

I'll check it out right away!

Venti smiled back, of course. He liked her energy. A young woman of average height with a fair complexion, shoulder-length light strawberry blonde hair, tied into a high ponytail that messily sticks out in all angles. Wearing a woman's uniform, As her ID name says Yoimiya.

In the meantime, Xiao was almost finished. He peeked if Venti was finished with the check out. Nope, not done. He went on his mobile device while waiting.

Here you go, sir! Enjoy your new clothing!

She handed out the bag of clothes with the receipt as the braded boy handed the payment.

Thank you so much!

He rushed to wait for Xiao outside the store. As Xiao took away his device to also cash out the suit.

She didn't talk, she just straight up started to put it in a bag and check out the receipt.

Here is your new clothes! Come again soon!

Yoimiya handed over the bag, he thanked her and payed then walked out the scenery.


Xiao flinched, a bit.

Did I scare you?

He glanced at Venti with a blank, expressionless look.

Yeah, you did.

Reaaally?? It looked like I didn't.

Of course, Xiao was lying. He didn't want to make Venti feel sad.

I'm being sincere.

The other giggled.



600 words.

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