twenty one - free time

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The two walked around the mall for a while, Also finding some cool accessories on other stores.

Whoaa!! Look at this ring!

Xiao turned his head towards the item that Venti was talking about.


They both suddenly turned red from the realization of what the braided one was doing.

I- uhh- well.. it's pretty isn't it? Hehe~

Venti broke the awkward situation, Xiao nodded.

He then put the ring back to the little box where it came from.

Awhh~ I wish someone would give me this ring..

He proclaimed. Little did he know, the other heard. Then, came up with a plan.

Hey, Venti. Can you buy me some boba tea?

He told the boy to distract him while at his plan, checking the time; 4:15 PM.

Sure, sure!

Venti gladly accepted and went to leave the store to buy him some boba tea he would like.

Xiao then went to check the price of the "ring" he wanted. 599 dollars, That's quite enough, Taking the ring to the cashier with payment. The cashier then checked out the item.

Would you like me to put it in a paper bag or no?

The co-worker beside him asked.

No paper bag.

Xiao dryly said. They gave back the item with a receipt and a 1 dollar change.

Keep the change.

He said it like a gentleman, then started to wait for Venti to come back, putting the ring away and pretended he did nothing, 'still looking around' the store.

Meanwhile with Venti

Once he got to the boba shop, he took a look a menu. Suddenly hearing a random noise from behind him.

He looked, there was no one. Then he looked down. It was a little kid, crying.


She sobbed, grabbing on Venti's leg.

Oh my archons, are you okay? What do you need?

Venti worriedly leaned down to hug the poor little kid.

M-my mama is gone..

She hugged back tightly.

Oh, I'll help you!

He smiled to her and wiped her tears away.

What's your name, Little one?

My n-name is.. Miya!

Awhh~ that's such a cute name! Here, let's go find your mom. Okay?

T-thank you, mister..

Hehe. My name is Venti!

He tried to cheer Miya up while trying to find her mother.

5 minutes later.

Miya then spotted her mom and pointed at her, saying


She ran to her mother and hugged.

Awh, Baby. Where were you?

Her mother looked at her with a worried look on her face.

Actually, she told me everything!

Venti went up to them and explained.

Ahhh, thank you so much for helping her find me! She would've been so lost!

Ah, it's nothing. Hehe!

He got flustered.

Here's for your help, Mister Venti!!

Miya gave him her little kitty keychain. His mouth went "o", Smiling at the gift after.

Thank you! And you're welcome for helping you, have a great day!

Venti accepted the toy and waved to them as they went.

Back to Xiao.

Xiao has been waiting for 10 minutes and suddenly felt so worried about Venti. It would most likely take him about 5-6 minutes to order and come back with the drink. He couldn't hold himself anymore and ran to go find him.

Sudden stop when he saw him waving to a little kid. Xiao got relieved he's safe.

What took you so long?

Xiao asked, Venti flinched.

O-oh! Uhh, You see.. this kid went up to me for help to find her mom! And I couldn't help but help her of course..

Venti nervously told.

Ah. It's okay, what about my drink?


Hm?- Oh.

He crossed his arms.

It's fine.

Xiao blantly forgave.

Aw~ thanks, Xiao!

Venti hugged him. The other hugged back, secretly smiling.


634 words.

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