nine - more

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Venti stood there infront of Xiao like a statue that just stands there straight. He was clearly flustered, as Xiao could visibly see.

I just told you that to get you up!

Fine, I'm staying then.

Xiao huffed.

If you're not hungry, you can stay

I'm hungry but, more hungry for your kiss.

Venti froze again, he was bright red and blushing very hard. Not expecting Xiao to say those. #betaxiao?

Xiao blushed a bit, well.. just a bit.

Yeah, I'm hungry. Just give me a kiss already and I'll eat with you.

Venti sighed in defeat, still blushing.

The braided boy went closer to Xiao, leaning in for a kiss. Xiao gladly accepted and kissed back, putting his arms around Venti's waist. Along with the braided boy's arms going around Xiao's neck. Very gay?

It only lasted for 3 seconds. But, Xiao wanted more. Venti wanted more too. Heh. Venti quickly grabbed his hand to the kitchen before any comments from what just happened.

Here's your favorite!

The braided boy handed over Xiao's Almond Tofu, I suppose that's what it's called? Venti thought.

So, Xiao smiled from the good scent coming from the Almond Tofu. He knew it would taste delicious. Venti dug in his food, and so Xiao did too. And it did taste delicious. Venti happily ate his dinner with Xiao, as the other gazed at his look, what some cute braids and a bright smile. So yeah, these gay people who are apparently inlove with each other continued eating their supper.


After eating, they talked and asked about what should they do next. Venti suggested to watch a movie, Xiao suggested to just talk about theirselves while in his room. Just because he wants to know more about him. So, they went to talk first. Venti thought of what he could start for the talk. Ding, ding!

Why do you live alone, Xiao? Why not live with your three friends you have?

Oh, I wanted to live alone because my friends are too annoying to be with. I'm not really talkative around them.

But he was kind of talkative to Venti.

Oooo~ but I think your friends are fun to be with!

No. They're annoying for me.

Venti sighed. He wanted to ask how he felt through the kiss but wasn't brave enough to do so. He risked it and asked anyway.

How did you.. feel from the kiss?

Xiao lit up.

Hm.. I don't want to answer this question of yours, Venti.

Okay, understandable!

What a polite boy. So kind too. <3

Well, let's go watch a movie now?

Xiao just nodded.

Race meee!

Oh my god. Xiao imagined. He chased after Venti and caught him in his arms, carrying him bridal style to the living room. Thankfully the lesbians were gone. He dropped Venti down the couch.

You should've just let me walk to get popcorn firs-

Stay here, I'll get the popcorn.

He immediately stood up and went to make popcorn for him and Venti. While the braided boy just sat there, looking for a movie on Netflix.

And so on, they watched the movie together. Without knowing Xiao was.. getting kind of getting obsessed on Venti. Oops.


535 words.

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