sixteen - sudden sickness

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Venti laughed while the other boy chuckled.


The braided boy got cut off by a sudden cough in his throat.

Are you okay?

Basically, Xiao was worried. It's just a cough?

I'm oka-

He got cut off by another cough.

This is why you shouldn't laugh too much.

What some great advice.

Venti laughed again. Xiao took his hand and placed them to Venti's cheeks which made him give a demented gaze into Xiao's eyes.

.. are you really okay, Answer me honestly.

Silence took over the talk.

Venti, you're temperature is a bit warm. I assume you aren't fine.


The braided boy quite giggled.

No time for joking, Venti.

Xiao quickly carried him bridal style to the couch, gently putting him down in a comfotable position. He took a blanket and put it over the speechless Venti, he couldnt talk from his temparature getting warmer and warmer. Xiao carefully carressed his cheek while his free left hand holding Venti's warm ones. The braided boy then started crying.

Xiao got worried from the sobs of Venti.


He assured the boy laying on the couch. Venti nodded and drifted off to sleep. This was all so sudden though,


Venti sniffed on the Qingxins.. It made him feel a little weird. That was when Xiao was doing his own stuff in his house. I mean it did smell good but it smelled a little odd for Venti. Did that Kokomi girl do something to the Qingxins? We will never know.

Minutes later, Venti's temperature slightly got warmer. He did notice, his solution was because of the Qingxins.

That time on Drifting Luminscence;

Kokomi was sweeping the floor, there was barely costumers in the store. Then a memory went back into her mind like electricity opening a light bulb.

Oh no, I forgot those Qingxins the boy brought was a little too..

A little too..?

Back to the present;

I mean it wasn't Kokomi's fault, probably the one who picked up the Qingxins for her?

So, Xiao took care of Venti. Not to worry, the party is next week. He'll probably recover soon before the party. Of course, Xiao didn't want the plan to get ruined or canceled. Especially when he thought it was the perfect day to confess to Venti. Also overthinking if he likes him back or not.

If he gets rejected, he just needs to hope that the friendship won't break apart. If accepted, happily ever after. Heh.



I'm hungry.. Can I have some food?

Xiao nodded, stood up to make some food for this sick boy who stopped by his house.

Minutes later.

Venti patiently waited. Xiao came up to him with Almond Tofu. Even if he's sick, he still smiled brightly for Xiao. So, he took the Almond Tofu and ate.

Would you like some too?

Oh, it's okay. You can eat it. Plus you're sick, so you should eat it.

You sure? I mean.. you look a little hungry there!

Yes I'm sure, Venti.


Okay, maybe just a bite.

Venti giggled and fed Xiao.


513 words.

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