twenty three - party

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After they ate at a nearby café, Tartaglia and Zhongli dropped the two of them in their school. Just about 3 or 4 people at the entrance since it's quite early, at least some enough time for them to change.

Thanks a lot, Zhongli!! We'll drop by your house someday!

Venti waved at them with a smile along with Xiao as they drove away.

C'mon Xiao! I can't wait to see how you look like in your outfit!

He excitedly said, taking the other with him to the bathroom to change.

After changing.. Well- Venti finished first and waited for Xiao outside the bathroom. Once he finished, he stepped out the bathroom, flustered in how he looks like in a fine looking outfit that fits his style.

The braided one blushed, not believing his eyes tracking a hot man in a good outfit. While he wore, a nice white blouse with leggings and a short skirt to troll the random boys and girls in the party. They stood there in silence.

W-well.. You look good!

Venti broke the awkward tension between them.

Ah, Thanks.

Xiao then handed him the bouquet of Cecilias he prepared for Venti, as the other giggled and accepted the Cecilias, sniffing in the scent.

Ahh~ A refreshing scent from a windy mountain view, my favorite.

He smiled at Xiao and gave him the Qingxins he also prepared for him, Xiao thanked him and put the flowers away. He took one Cecilia from the bouquet and reserved it in his little pocket for now.

Hehe, let's go!

Venti grabbed his hand and took him with him to the party.

When they arrived

The party was loud. Well that's how parties works, right?

Let's go!

Venti squeezed in the girls and showed his moves like his life is about to end. Xiao chuckled and danced with him.

Ooh~ Look! They have wine!

Oh no-

The bartender's face went "〒▽〒", knowing the braided boy will come here as he spots the small bar.

Move over, Charles. Get some rest.

A tall and slender man with pale skin, red eyes, and bright red hair, worn in a low ponytail that extends to his mid-back. His expression usually makes him appear stern, exasperated, or unimpressed.

Yes, Master Diluc!

Diluc wears a black dress shirt, a long white vest, and a black ascot with a red gem. Over this he dons a dark brown coat.

Charles left the counter.

Well hello! If it isn't the handsome Master Diluc, may I order a-

The tall bartender handed over a glass of dandelion wine for him.

Wow! It seems like you know me well, Master Diluc!

Xiao stood there, silent.

What would you like?

Diluc asked Xiao.

Nothing, I don't intend to try out strong drinks.

We have juice too.

I said no.

Venti's face went "  ̄▽ ̄ " and told the bartender that he doesn't like drinking any specific drink unless water.

I see, well then..

The red headed man handed over a small cup of water, giving him a sign to hydrate.


Xiao took the cup and drank from it, turning his head to the braided one, he wasn't in the same spot as earlier..


He was having a fun time dancing, while Xiao wasn't the type of person to groove a lot. So he sat on the chairs, watching Venti dance.

As Venti saw Xiao staring at him while dancing, he got flustered.

How cute. Xiao thought.


537 words.

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