four - do i really?

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Xiao was still silent, thinking what his response would be. But Venti came to their table, sitting beside Xiao that gave him a small smile. They waited for their orders, with chit-chat. Kaeya whispered through Venti's ears, making him blush. Covering his face with his own hands. Xiao seemed annoyed once Kaeya peeked.

Are you sure?

Venti shockingly asked to the dark blue haired man. He quietly nodded back as his response.

Oh my barbatos, Really?

Kaeya shrugged to Venti, leaving Xiao looking all clueless.

I just met him!

We can talk about this later, Venti.


The braided boy unknowingly replied.
What were they talking about? Maybe it's something private for them..
Their snacks and drinks arrived to their table as they ate while talking about random stuff that happened in their life.

So Xiao, Do you have any friends?

.. yes i do but-

Yay!! Can I meet them?

Xiao mentally facepalmed from the cutoff but agreed. He only had 3 friends, but most of them lived far away. At least one of them live kind of close. Who is it then?

I'm so excited!

The braided boy said, Xiao smiled with a little shade of pink on his cheeks. Kaeya finished his food so he stood up to leave.

I think I'll go now, Thanks for the hangout!

Kaeya waved, walking out the café as Venti waved back.

Let's hangout again soon, Kaeya!

Venti stared to Xiao again, asking,

What's your friends' names?

Xiao stared back to Venti's beautiful eyes.

Well most of them don't really live around me, but one of them lives in the next town beside my neighborhood.

Venti's face was full of amazement. How is it even amazing?

Interesting~ What's their name?

.. who?

The one who lives the nearest, silly!

Venti giggled, Xiao slightly blushed from his cuteness.

Her name is Yanfei, she's my friend's girlfriend.

Ooh~ So your friends are lesbians?

I guess you could say that.

The braided boy smiled.

Do I really like him..?


334 words.

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