eight - special

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Hu Tao..? Yanfei's here too..

Hi Xiao~ It's been a while! Have you missed me?



What're you both up to tonight?

Yanfei asked Xiao with curiousity. He thought if he should tell them because they would tease him. But he still agreed to his own option.

Sleepover, with Venti.

Hu Tao smiled, or you could say smug.

Can I join? It seems interesting for my pranks~

And of course, Xiao said no. Hu Tao sighed. Why did he say no? He wanted alone time with Venti. Hu Tao kept talking and talking, so he ignored her and took Venti with him already.

They reached Xiao's house, it was small but yet, modern. Perfect home for Xiao to live in. It was still evening, Venti already chose to sleep.

Venti, eat dinner first.

Xiao, I'm not hungry-

Are you sure?

Venti nodded to him.

Where am I gonna sleep? You only have one ro-

You're sleeping with me.

He replied fast. Xiao pushed him into the room and pinned Venti to the wall. Venti shivered under Xiao's gaze. He lifted the braided boy's chin to look up at him, staring into each other's souls. Venti couldn't help but get closer to him until their lips almost touched. Xiao was.. mesmerized. He wanted to dig in for a kiss but he wasn't brave enough to do so.

The braided boy lightly pushed Xiao, the other slightly frowned. He really felt like kissing him. Venti giggled and layed down Xiao's bed, closing his eyes to sleep. Xiao secretly sneaked beside him and hugged like a little spoon. He shoved his face on Venti's neck as he fell asleep with him.


They slept together within their presence and scent. Not until a nightmare ruined Venti's dream land. The braided boy was sleeping with tears. Xiao woke up from his little sob, shot up his head and didn't know what to do. He slightly panicked, thinking. He lightly kissed Venti's forehead and lips, gently brought him into his arms. As Venti seemed to stop crying. #goodjobxiao <3

Venti smiled in his sleep, feeling Xiao's warm chest onto his forehead. It made him feel special. Time passed, Venti woke up with his face very close to Xiao's. He almost leaned in, but he stopped himself. Saw Xiao peacefully sleeping with him too. He smiled. Standing up and looked for the clock. 9:13 PM. He decided to make dinner for both of them.

Walking to the kitchen, he saw Hu Tao and Yanfei that's quietly sniggering about how cute Xiao and Venti would be together. Venti widened his eyes seeing them there. Hu Tao noticed.

Oh, Hiya Venti! How was your cuddles with him?

He blushed, scratching the back of his head. Realizing they were spying on them.

U-uhm.. Pretty comfy.. i guess? 

Hu Tao clapped. Venti stopped her to avoid waking up the sleepy Xiao.

So what brings you here Venti?

Yanfei asked.

I decided to make me and Xiao some dinner!

Ooh, we'd love to help you!


So his favorite is Almond Tofu..

And more chatter. Venti made their favorites for dinner, he didn't forget to get some special surprise for Xiao. He went to check on the sleepy Xiao, yeah, he was awake but scrolling on his phone. 

Xiao! I prepared our dinner!

A smile appeared on Xiao's face. He planned to trick Venti, So he pouted.

I don't wanna get up.

Venti thought of what he could do to him to get him up.

I'll kiss you if you get up!

Xiao automatically got up. Venti giggled.


Where's my kiss?


584 words.

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