thirteen - dearest gifts

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Yes, it was a Glaze Lily from his friend named Zhongli. But he calls him, Morax.

I think I wanna get Xiao a gift!

Excitedly saying.

Venti walked around to see if there was a shop he could get a present for his dearest Xiao. He found the same flowershop where Xiao bought Cecilias.

Venti decided to check it out. He entered Drifting Luminescence. The young woman looked to the entrance as Venti went in. Her ocean eyes meeting Venti's sea green ones.


She humbly greeted.

Hello! I would like some Qingxin flowers!

Kokomi politely nodded, taking a bunch of Qingxins.

I hope Xiao would love these,

Venti mumbled so the young lady wouldn't hear.

Kokomi made a cute little bouquet of two Qingxins, it had a pastel green ribbon, tying it both together. The polite braided boy thanked her along with the payment.

No problem.

Venti gave her a shining smile, about to leave the store.

Wait! One question.

The braided boy turned to her, his braids swinging.

Who are you giving those to?

Oh.. I'm giving it to someone special for me!

How cute.. Kokomi imagined.

Okay, you can go now.

Venti smiled at her but a brighter smile, leaving Drifting Luminescence.

Kokomi smiled back once he left.


With Xiao, he was talking with Ganyu.

Oh! Would you like to meet someone?


Xiao cluelessly asked.

Come here, Qiqi!

Oh of course, A little girl with light purple hair came towards their conversation. Her hair reaches her shoulders at the sides with a long plait in the back. Pale skin, magenta colored eyes. She had black fingernails too.

Xiao wasn't interested in children, but now he has a job to take care of the little girl. Knowing Ganyu is sometimes very busy sometimes. He didn't mind.

Oh, do you mind if yo-

Of course.

He cut her off, knowing the rest of the sentence. I guess we could say Xiao knows her too well or gets along with her too well.

Thank you, Xiao.

The boy was kind of interested in taking care of Qiqi, To be honest. He never felt 'babysitting' a little girl. He leaned down to Qiqi, offering his hand to her. To gain her trust. Ganyu smiled from his actions towards Qiqi.

The little girl that barely had emotions, humbly accepted and gave her own little hands to his strong hands. #thisissowholesomeicant

Qiqi shared him her adorable yet very small smile. Xiao smiled back.

You guys are so cute..

Ganyu claimed, Xiao went unamused expressions. Making Ganyu laugh softly.

Oh, can I put this in one of your Qingxin pots for now?

He showed her the Cecilias he bought.

Of course, give it to me. I will put it in one of the pots for now.

Xiao nodded and gave the soft white flowers to Ganyu, letting her leave and do her job.


I wonder where's Xiao now? He's taking quite long.. Venti worriedly talked by himself.


494 words.

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