eighteen - babysitting

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Xiao was looking into Qiqi's necessity bag while Venti was cuddling Qiqi into her deep slumber. He picked up a little pillow that seemed to have a special connection within Qiqi, but he looked to them, Venti falling asleep while hugging the little girl. Xiao smiled and took the little pillow into Qiqi's arms.

He slightly turned the sleeping boy to face the right side of the room to squeeze into their warm cuddle.

Another time skip.

And of course, Qiqi woke up first in all of them. She sat up and looked to XiaoVen, cuddling theirselves. She thought,

I should tell mama Ganyu about this.

Qiqi tucked in the two in a blanket, trying her best to smile even if she's kind of emotionless.

She went off the bed, to her necessity bag. Taking out a random device she had, contacting Ganyu.



The little girl turned to her.

Keep this device with you. Contact me in there if you need help or want to tell me something real quick. Okay?

Yes, mama.


- Hello, Qiqi. What do you need?

Hi. Can I show you something mama?

- Of course.

Qiqi turned on the " camera-looking " button and turned it to the sleeping XiaoVen.

- Aww, Qiqi, you didn't have to contact me to show it to me.

Qiqi knows but wants mama Ganyu to see how it looks.

- Hehe, If you're hungry, just wake up Xiao and tell him to give you food. Okay?

Yes mama.

- I'll go now Qiqi. Don't forget to contact if you need me.

The little girl waved at the camera that was facing to her. Putting the device back in her bag, she went to look for her ' diary ' on what she was planning to do.

Once she found it, she looked for the page and read it.

After the reading, Qiqi put back her diary back in the bag and brought the bag with her outside, forgetting to leave a note for Xiao.


Venti woke up after the slumber, realizing that Xiao was beside him. But he felt something was wrong..


The braided boy panicked from the disappearance of her.

Xiao? Do you know where's Qiqi?

Xiao woke up from the mention of his name from Venti, replying with,


Oh no!




Technical Difficulties


386 words.

Mesmerized by you - XiaoVenWhere stories live. Discover now