fourteen - awaited love

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Venti was biking around another park he found.

I wonder what Xiao, Hu Tao and Yanfei are doing together..

A realization popped up his head like a light bulb got activated.

Oh my barbatos.. I should've just asked if I could go with him!

Mentally slapping his mind. He got off the bike once arrived back at Xiao's house since his only option was to watch some TV but without Xiao.

Venti pouted because he didn't like being alone. He really wanted to join in whatever he thought those three idiots were doing. The braided boy swang his braids and twirled to the kitched like a ballerina, giggles left his mouth once he stopped.

Oh! I forgot to put this away!

He almost forgot, putting his bag in a hidden place around Xiao's room so Xiao can't see the surprise gift he planned.

Going back to the kitchen, now taking the snacks he found to the couch infront of the TV.


What's Venti doing now? Xiao wondered on the other side.

Maybe I should go to see him. He said in his mind.


She turned to Xiao, tilting her head as an act of 'yes?'

I will go now, Farewell.

Take care! Don't forget the flowers in the pot.

Oh.. right.

He waved to Qiqi as she also waved back, going to Ganyu's kitchen to see her flower pots on the shelves. Grabbing the Cecilias, he left her house.

To be mine soon. <3

Hey. Where are you?

He waited for Venti's response.

Oh hii Xiaoo! I'm in your house, hehe



Seen 12:01 PM


Venti huffed.

He's sooo dry!

He slightly shouted.

What did you say?

Venti flinched, Xiao holding his shoulders while behind him by the couch.

You're dry over text.

The cute braided one pouted on him, the other chuckled. Xiao sits down beside Venti, talking to each other how their day went.

Wait, where did you go with the girls earlier?


What did you do with them?

Oh. I just talked to them that's all.


Well it'll get more fun until you're mine. Xiao imagined.

Shut up, turn off the TV.

Hey! I'm not done watching!

Let's cuddle.

Xiao forcefully pulled Venti in and went into a warm cuddle. Venti giggled.

Ah, my long awaited love. Xiao thought to himself.


394 words.

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