seventeen - moments

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Hehe, no worries!

You should go rest again until you get better.

Xiao told with a gentle voice. Venti obeyed.

The sick one layed down and Xiao held his hand, giving it a little kiss. Venti went shook, why is Xiao suddenly like this? The braided boy stared at his golden-like eyes, it was slightly widened from his doing. Xiao didn't care and complimented,

Your hands are soft.

Venti flushed and looked away to hide it.

As I was saying, Xiao gently moved Venti in between the couch and Xiao's absolutely hot body. They layed down together. The braided boy turned red like apples, tried hiding his face but..

He took the blushing Venti's chin up to Xiao's face with a half serious-half calm look.

You really are sick.

Venti lightly pushed Xiao away like he really wants space between the suffocating spot, Xiao chuckled.

Just kidding, go rest now. I'll take good care of you.

The boy nodded to Xiao.


Xiao picked up his ringing phone.

- Hey, Xiao. How are you?

I'm fine, Ganyu. Why'd you call?

- I wanted to ask something.


- Can you take care of Qiqi this weekend? I mean, both of you's party from school is about 4 days away, right?

Of course and yes the party is gonna be held on next week's Friday.

- Great, thank you so much Xiao. I'll be sending Qiqi there with her necessities by this Friday, take good care of her.


Ganyu hangup on him.

Oooh, where those one of your friends who lives quite far away?

Venti questioned, making Xiao nod.

She sounds like a caring person!

Well, she is.

Time skip ; Friday afternoon, 3:44 PM.

Xiao was home alone. Venti had to do stuff himself today, so he waited for Qiqi to arrive.


A knock on the door was heard by Xiao, he stood up and went to open it.

Revealing the little Qiqi, she was in her normal attire and her casual hairstyle. Still adorable as always. #babysitterxiaonow


Qiqi greeted.

Hi, Qiqi.


Yes it's me, Qiqi.

He checked his phone notifications,

Xiao, just remember that Qiqi has bad memory.

He then put his phone away, understanding the message. Taking Qiqi in his arms.

How are you, Qiqi?

Xiao distracted her to take her upstairs.

Qiqi is okay.

She responded.

Time skip.. Later on.

Xiao took Qiqi to a nap after their 'playtime'. 

Along with someone arriving to Xiao's doorstep. He rushed to open it, revealing a soft boy with a light smile on his face. It's Venti.

Xiao loves it whenever he comes with a nice smile of his.

Hi Xiao!

He waved to him.

Xiao waved back, then lead him inside.


458 words.

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