six - mine

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Another week passed by. Their relationship got closer and closer ever since day one. They were both talking to each other infront of Xiao's locker, but then a lady came to them. A white dress with a purse by her shoulder.

Hey, you!

She fiercefully said.


Venti asked the lady that was definitely from a different section.

I'm talking to you, ugly braid headed.

Xiao slowly clenched his fists, looking at her. But she didn't notice.

What about me?

I want you, to stay away from this man. He, is, mine.

Xiao's face was a mixture of anger and confusion. Venti got mad and stood up.

Since when was he yours? He's mine. MINE ONLY.

Hearing those made Xiao shocked, he turned red.

Now go away, 'wannabe his girl'.

Ugh, gay people these days.

She walked away stubbornly. Xiao in the corner, uhm.. well, was about to faint. Venti looked to Xiao, expressions softened. Not until Xiao was about to fall but Venti caught him. #venxiaomoment

Xiao went back to reality and realized their positions. His mind went blank, his face was redder than Jueyun Chilis and Apples combined. Faces close together, Venti made the first move to get him stand up with his hands. Xiao after several minutes, he finally came calm. He apologized to Venti, politely.

Oh, no worries!

The braided boy smiled to him. Xiao had no regrets being friends with him.


236 words. Thanks for the idea, my frienddd <3

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