fifteen - is it really a joke?

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So yes, they got along well. Until, there was a party that their school made. Inviting every student who could possibly join. This was the opportunity for Xiao to confess. He even took care of the Cecilias for a few days just for Venti, not even one of them died.

On the other side,

Venti heard about the party that was going to be held by the school, oh dear, what a big day for this cheerful boy.

So.. It says 11 AM until 6 PM is the party.

He squealed of excitement, indeed, he loves parties.

Can't forget about the Qingxins~

The braided boy zoomed his sight into the beautiful flowers' soft petals.



Hey Xiao, Are you joining the school's party?


Okay, Don't forget about the plan!~

Xiao turned his phone off and put the tiniest Cecilia he found within the bouquet that Kokomi gave, in the chest pocket of his suit. He also put the rest of the bouquet on the table, so he wouldn't forget to bring it for the party.

This is it.

The boy stammered.

Now I feel like seeing him all of the sudden.

Xiao sighed, planning on surprising him.

He might be busy? Eh, I won't come then.

Taking his laptop out to look over social media, Venti did mention about his instagram, but he didn't spill out his user. So, he went on instagram and scrolled, hoping to find Venti's account.

After all, he kind of did?

An account with Venti's name and face on the profile picture, three posts but 1.1M likes. Impressive, I guess. Xiao's doorbell rang, giving him a stare onto the door with confused mind. Opening the door, revealing the sweet-hearted braided boy.


Xiao stared at him without flinching, Venti pouted.

I just wanted to scare you..

He faked cry infront of Xiao, which made him grab Venti by his waist and get him inside the house.

Oh, oh, that was hot.

Xiao blushed.

Why are you here?

I just wanted to see you!

Anyways, you think I'm hot?

Yes, and?

You naughty boy.

Venti tilted his head resembling confusion on Xiao.

How about a joke?

.. fine.

Knock knock!

Knock knock jokes? Venti is kind of similar to Hu Tao when it comes to jokes.

Who's there?

Baby yoda!

What joke is this?

Baby yoda who?

Baby, yoda one for me~

The phrase whispered through Xiao's ears like soft wind. Causing him to blush. Okay Venti, you win.

You know I used to chase butterflies as a kid, I never knew you would give it for free.

Xiao replied for his line.

Oh darling, I never knew you could be flirty as well.

Venti winked. #thisismakingmefeelsingle #help


455 words.

Mesmerized by you - XiaoVenWhere stories live. Discover now