Chapter Seven Dreaming Memory

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Quick Note: The song is 'Touch Me' by The Doors for @blygal since it actually fits with this chapter I didn't even notice it would until I started to search for a song after I typed it up. The picture is Levi on the side.




Abigail’s POV


I jumped from my spot on the couch when all the guys jumped up cheering for their football team on the TV. Everyone was at Jon’s house for Sunday night football.

Monique and I were painting our toe nails and the loud cheer caused me to swipe purple nail polish down my foot. I was already tired from being out late working on our school project this weekend though we weren’t out as late on Saturday night.

“God dammit,” I grumbled and looked over giving all the male gender dirty looks who were in the room. No one paid attention to me except Jon he winked. I scowled and grabbed at the nail polish remover, I would have to start all over again.

My dad, Brandon, Rob, Jon, Tony, Debbie, Lily, and my mom were all having a BBQ at Lily’s since half of them liked one of the teams playing and the other half the opponent. Lily and my mom were in the kitchen. This event occurred about once maybe twice a month during football season. Me, I preferred hockey and it wasn’t October yet.

Saturday night Jon and I were only out about two hours since we got a lot of the constellation work done on Friday. During the week I would write part of up and in presentation format. We were going to make small presentations for each week to show the movement of the sky something I don’t think any of the other students were doing just reports.

It would be a lot of work but we could do it. We thought it was a good idea and we both were going to write up the report on Cancer like we were interviewing the constellation itself. That seemed kind of silly to me but it was unique.

There was no interesting romantic or affectionate moments Saturday night. There wasn’t really time for them since we got the work done so quickly.

“Mess up your nails,” I looked up at Tony and just stared at him.

“Nope I wanted my foot painted purple in case I kick you for such a stupid question and the bruise doesn’t show,” I said without missing a beat.

“Here’s your sign,” Monique said giggling.

Tony sat down on the floor next to my feet and took the nail polish from my hand ignoring our joke.

“What are you doing?” I cried trying to snatch the polish bottle from his hand.

“I’ll paint your toe nails so you don’t have to in case the game startles you again,” he yanked the bottle out of my reach.

“You’re weird,” Monique said through a small smile.

“Takes one to know one,” Tony replied without looking at her and dipped the brush in the small bottle. I sat back in the couch shaking my head as Tony held my foot steady. Catching Jon’s eyes he looked a little pissed. I just shrugged at him and he turned back to the TV. Men, such testosterone when they watch their sports surges through them. A smirk played on my lips as I had that thought and watched Tony paint my toes.

“You know if I didn’t know any better I would say you were a little gay,” I giggled watching Tony be meticulous on my toes with the nail polish brush.

“Good thing you know better, I am definitely into the ladies,”

I saw his eyes dart in Monique’s direction momentarily. She wasn’t looking and I had a hard time controlling my amusement. Tony and Monique was an interesting combination. I waited for Tony to finish painting my nails and for them to dry.

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