Chapter Twenty Five Magic Moments

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The clinking noise of silverware and wine glasses sounded loud to my ears. I couldn’t get what I had heard Jon’s parents talking about out of my mind the last few days.

The Thanksgiving holiday dinner, I suspected was to distract Jon and I from all the stress of the ongoing situation. I looked over at Jon who sat next to me; he smiled and patted my hand that rested on my own knee giving it a small squeeze of reassurance.

Everyone had showed up for Thanksgiving dinner at Lily’s house. I found it more annoying really having so many people here. Monique and Tony were talking with my mom’s cousins Mali and Jen. Jon’s sister was ignoring everyone looking bored. All the men my dad, Brandon, Rob and Grandpa Greg talked sports and all the women talked about the dinner and their kids school.

Jon and I were quiet only answering when spoken to. I did notice my grandpa had been giving me concerned looks now and then but I ignored them because I didn’t want to think about it. I needed a distraction and everyone being here was not what I had in mind. I missed being at home believe it or not.

Still knowing what Jon and I had overheard weighed on my mind and I am sure weighed on his. The whole issue had put me in a somber mood for the holiday. I wondered who they meant Levi resembled, and why whoever this new person involved is how they knew Jon’s family. Why would they be after me in the first place?

“Abi how is your are piece coming along?” I looked up at the sound of my name to see Lily looking at me expectantly.

“It’s going well I’m a little stuck on a specific area I am having trouble with the shading.”

“Ah well you will figure it out you always do, what about the school project you both are working on?”

“Jon wants to go out tonight to see some specific stars as extra credit.”

Jon gave me a look because he had not wanted to mention that yet with it being the holiday. I thought he was being a chicken about it and I winked at him.

“That’s fine but not too late it’s getting colder now.” Lily said turning back to my mom and Debra.

“See that wasn’t so hard,” I said quietly to Jon.

“I was working up to it.” He glared at me but I could see the smirk in his eyes and I smiled back at him as we continued to eat our turkey dinner.

Once everyone had finished and started to float back into the living room for the rest of the football game we helped clear the table and start on the dishes. I believe Jon wanted to be in his mom’s good graces for wanting to go star gazing tonight. I noticed he kept checking his wallet for something as we got our things for the truck to keep warm outside on the ridge in the colder November weather.

“What are you looking for?”

“Nothing,” he said and I swore he blushed. I rolled my eyes as I loaded the back of the truck. Before we left I spoke to my father.

“You’re going star gazing now?”

“Yeah I guess there are some stars he wants to check out for extra credit and doesn’t want to miss out on them while the weather is clear.”

“Well be careful and make sure you’re not followed.”

 My dad looked like he wanted to say no, but seeing how everyone was lounging around looking like beached whales there wasn’t much else to be done here.

“Thanks dad.” I kissed his forehead and Greg’s before meeting Jon back outside at the truck. I slid over to his side and rested my head on his shoulder. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders kissing my forehead as we left the driveway.

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