Chapter Twenty Six Fear

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Jonathan’s POV

Waking up I reached out and felt an empty bedside next to me. I smiled; she must have gotten up earlier and gone downstairs before anyone else. I sat up yawning and rubbing my eyes.

Last night came flooding back into my mind and woke me up. I felt all the pleasure and desire rush through me again and just how happy Abi made me. How madly in love with her I’ve always been.

I pulled a shirt on over my head and made my way downstairs to see if anyone was up. Seeing my mom sitting on the recliner with her coffee, Abi’s bed on the couch empty and blankets disheveled, I knew my mom knew.

“Morning mom.”

“Morning Jon…your grounded.”

“I know.”

I still smiled because that wouldn’t stop me from feeling how happy I am with Abi. My mom shook her head at me. I poured myself my own mug of coffee and started to realize that there was no sign of Abi. I didn’t hear her in the bathroom; she wasn’t in the living room or kitchen or in the back yard.

“Where is Abi?” I asked sitting down on the couch that had not been cleared yet.

“Taking out the trash.”

I stared at her. “What? How long ago she shouldn’t be outside by herself?”

“Ten minutes or so.”

Something told me this was not right.

“Mom you didn’t think to check it doesn’t take ten minutes to take trash out.”

I jumped up running to the door before I could see my mom’s expression. Flinging the door open I rushed out past my truck the trash bins.

No Abi.

My heart began to hammer and break uncontrollably simultaneously with fear in my chest. I searched around the bins for any sign of what happened. In the dirt I found some shoe prints…two sets. I followed them down the driveway to the street where I could see fresh oil that had dripped and what looked like drag marks in the curbs and grass from someone being dragged.

Furious and fearful I stormed back into the house slamming the door and immediately dialed on my phone Nathan’s number.

“She was taken mom,” I said hotly as I passed her and I could see the dread and guilt wash over her face.


“Nathan its Jon,” I did not feel like taking the brunt of Nathan’s wrath.

“What’s wrong?” He could already tell in my voice.

“I guess Abi woke up before me spoke with my mom and took the trash out…”


“She was taken Nathan not more than twenty minutes ago I could see two sets of foot prints and they must have had a vehicle.”

I could hear him breathing heavily. “Put your mother on the phone.”

Nathan was furious. I handed the phone to my mom. “He wants to talk to you.”

“Great.” She took the phone. “Nathan?”

Getting up she walked to the backyard holding the phone slightly off of her ear from how loud he must be yelling.

“Nathan I’m sorry she was not out of my sight for more than ten minutes,” I couldn’t hear the rest as she shut the sliding door outside.

“What’s going?”

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