Chapter Twenty Eight Rescue

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Quick Note: We are almost done! Also, the music choice I chose is supposed to be kind of funny from and for Tony's personality with how serious some of these chapters have been lately and the nature of the 'rescue'. Hope you enjoy the chapter =)



Jonathan’s POV

“Why did we park so far back?” Tony complained.

“Do you want them to hear my truck? They obviously have been following us so they would recognize it,” I scoffed at him.

“Ugh I know, all this stuff is so heavy and I can’t see anything.”

“Tony shut up we had to wait until dark.”

He was annoying me with his complaints. All ‘this stuff’ was his idea anyway. I tried to hurry into the yard of the green house, even in the dark I could see the paint peeling and how overgrown the yard was. I hope I didn’t start a fire at the same time.

Monique was sitting in her mother’s dark car across the street ready to play my music choice on the state of the art stereo system loud and clear. I can’t believe I asked her to steal the car. We wouldn’t have been able to pull this off just Tony and me and it took a lot of convincing for me to involve her.

This older neighborhood was dark and almost completely abandoned. The two story house seemed to be the only one awake on the block and only a small amount of light was coming from it as we snuck through the backyard.

I felt scared and excited at the same time. What if this was the wrong house? Have they hurt my Abi? I didn’t know what I would do if I lost her. Once we were hidden in the dark brush of the yard we started to unload our supplies.

Tony had the wild idea to use fireworks and tie them all together so they would light up like a domino effect. I don’t know how he got it all done so fast. I watched as he untangled them carefully. I had my doubts if it would work or not.

“Okay I’m gonna go string these around the house,” he announced proudly.

“Don’t get seen.”

“I sneak in and out of our house all the time I think I got it.” He smirked at me before jumping up with his fireworks and taking off. I just shook my head. I hoped there was enough to around a full house of course we only needed it to go around part of the way to be noisy enough to draw them out.

I began to set up the bigger pile we decided on of mix and match fireworks to make a huge scene in the backyard that hopefully would draw them out and away from the house from the initial fireworks. We wanted to get in and out with Abi before they had a chance to get back in the house and before police showed up if they did and do all this hopefully unseen by Abi’s kidnappers.

I sat and waited as I set up the fireworks and watched the house. Movement caught my eye from within and Levi came into view and stepped out onto the porch lighting a cigarette. I ducked and watched as he smoked and yawned.

Definitely the right house.

Anger surged through me and I ground my teeth. I wanted to go punch him in the face and kick him in the nuts, but I couldn’t. I hoped Tony was being careful. Levi went back inside and turned off some lights. It seemed as if the house went dark and to sleep.

I hoped this worked.

I felt some relief to be doing something to keep my mind off the awful thoughts of what they could be doing to Abi and what she was going through. I couldn’t believe that pedo-bear came back after seven years. Jesus, I hoped she was okay. I looked up at the stars…I wanted my Abi angel back.

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