Chapter 19

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*Vale Port

*Evan's/My POV

During dinnertime in the officer's mess hall of Glorious' Production Ship, there was a lot of discussion regarding us being in another world.

"Hey Suruga. Do you think that old man is right?" I heard Shimakaze ask.

"I'm not too sure but if it's true, then that explains why we can't contact our base." suruga replied.

"Monsieur Evan. Are all of us coming with you to see this Ozpin person?" Dunkerque asked me.

"This Ozpin person seems a little suspicious. I'll strongly advise you to be cautious when seeing him." Veneto advised me.

"I'll accompany you tomorrow Evan so that this Ozpin person won't kidnap you or anything." Glorious spoke up.

"Alright. Veneto you've got a point there. Ozpin does seem a little suspicious to me so I'll assign some of you to stay behind to watch after the port." I nodded my head in approval.

"Oui." Dunkerque nodded her head and went back to her food.

"Should I accompany you or should I stay behind?" Veneto asked me.

"I'll ask Miss Kreutzer first if she wants to accompany us. If she doesn't then you'll accompany me." I replied. Veneto nodded her head and went back to eating her food.


That night, Thea and I met up at the docks to discuss about tomorrow.

"Miss Kreutzer. Do you want to accompany me tomorrow to see this Ozpin guy." I asked the captain of the HSF Graf Spee. Thea thought for a moment before saying her answer.

"Ja." Thea replied.

"Are you sure? you don't have any special abilities unlike me and my shipgirls so if this Ozpin guy has any malicious intent, you're in big trouble. Please reconsider your answer. I'm not forcing you so if you say no, I understand." I gave Thea another chance to say no. However, Thea's answer still remains a yes.

"While I agree that Ozpin does seem a little suspicious, he knows some answers that I'm seeking. Like why that person doesn't know about the United States. Why that restaurant owner doesn't accept Dollars, Pounds and Euros" Thea replied. Seeing that Thea really wants to go, I reluctantly accepted her answer.

"Alright. But stay close to me so that I can protect you in case something goes wrong." I instructed. Upon hearing this, Thea blushed a little

"Danke Großadmiral." Thea thanked me.

"It's the least I can do as your commanding officer." I replied. I then looked at Thea's uniform.

"Miss Kreutzer. Is this the only type of Naval uniform you have?" I asked.

"Ja." Thea replied.

"Looks like I can't wear my Service Dress White tomorrow." I frowned. "Never mind. I'll think of something. Let's get some rest and be at your most presentable tomorrow, Miss Kreutzer." I said before leaving for the HMS Glorious.

"Auf wiedersehen!" Thea waved at me and I waved back.

"Evan and Thea's support level increased lol. Perhaps I should share my Azur Lane career with Miss Kreutzer one day. After all, we're both part of the Shipgirl Quartet." I thought as I headed back to Glorious' Production Ship.

*Beacon Academy

*Ozpin POV

Back in my office, I took a sip from my mug as I processed what had happened today.

"That man is the same man that appeared in Grasswater Town. And I believe I saw the other two ladies as well. Those three sure do have some potential of becoming hunters and huntresses. Maybe I should ask them to enroll into Beacon once I meet them tomorrow. If they refuse, then I keep giving them offers until they accept." I thought as I took another sip of my mug. My scroll rings and I picked it up. It was James Ironwood.

"Hello James." I greeted James Ironwood.

"Good evening Ozpin.'' James greeted back. "I've just received reports that the strange looking ships have sailed into Vale. Is this true?" James asked me.

"That's true. In fact, I'm meeting the commander of those ships tomorrow." I replied.

"Really? Then I'll be on my way." James said before he hung up.

"Tomorrow's going to be an interesting day." I remarked before taking another sip of my mug.

*Pacific Ocean

*Third Person POV

"we're getting close to the coordinates where Evan's Fleet and the commission team last made contact." Lexington announced as the first search team entered the area where Evan's fleet and the commission team last made contact. Before the search team can do anything, Maestrale spotted something.

"Are Those Evan's daughters?" Maestrale asked as she pointed at a Queen Elizabeth Class battleship sailing towards them.

"Don't forget about us!" Victoria exclaimed from the Queen Elizabeth Class battleship.

"We're searching for dad too." Clementine joined in.

"So count us in." Eleanor joined in

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