Halloween Special Prologue

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*Seeadler harbour, Manus Island

*Evan/My POV

Seeadler Harbor, a small port located on Manus Island of the Admiralty Islands near Papua New Guinea. My shipgirls and the HSF Graf Spee are currently docked there for resupplies. My flagship is Richelieu and my fleet consists of Algerie, Dunkerque, Glorious, Zara and Maille Breze. Right now, it's just Mir and I as we're currently on our way to buy the necessary supplies

As I made my way to buy the supplies with Mir on my shoulder as usual, I passed by ships from both Yokosuka and Wilhelmshaven Maritime Schools as well as production ships belonging to shipgirls from other Azur Lane commanders that were assigned to either Yokosuka Girls' Marine High School or Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School after agreeing to help the blue mermaids.

"Let's get this over with so I can go back and play some solitaire." I said before entering the shop. Just after entering the shop, there was a small tremor, making things fall off the shelves. After the tremor ended, I began shopping for essential items. as I was shopping, my phone rang.

"Evan. Come outside right now, you might want to see this." glorious said before hanging up. Curious, I decided to leave the shop to find out what's going on. Upon Leaving the shop, I saw a crowd of Yokosuka and Wilhelmshaven Marine students and Azur Lane commanders from both Yokosuka and Wilhelmshaven Maritime schools at the harbor, looking out at sea. I made my way through the crowd and saw what looked like a zombie ship sailing away in the distance.

"What is that?" I asked myself in my thoughts as I watched the zombie ship sail away.

"Mr Siegfried!" Thea made her way through the crowd and appeared beside me.

"Miss Kreutzer. Did you see that ship just now?" I asked Thea.

"the zombie looking ship? Ja." Thea nodded. Just then, my phone rang.

"Admiral Kenneth is facetiming me." I said after looking at my phone.

"Your commanding officer?" Thea asked me.

"Correct." I replied before accepting the facetime.

"Evan. HQ just informed me that there's an abnormality near Papua New Guinea. Are you doing alright?" Admiral Kenneth asked me through my phone.

"Yes sir. I'm doing alright. Is it the sirens?" I replied before asking.

"HQ has no information as of now. Just that there's an abnormality near Papua New Guinea. After hearing that you're there, I came to check if you're doing alright." Admiral Kenneth replied.

"Sir. a zombie looking ship just departed Seeadler Harbor" I reported the zombie looking ship to Admiral Kenneth.

"A zombie looking ship?" Admiral Kenneth asked me.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"This might be related to the abnormality. Evan, follow that ship for now and investigate. This zombie looking ship that you speak of may be related to the abnormality." Admiral Kenneth remarked before instructing me.

"Yes sir." I acknowledged before saluting.

"Your students from Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School can join in as well if they're under Azur Lane supervision. You must be Captain Thea Kreutzer from Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School correct." Admiral Kenneth added in before turning to Thea.

"Yes." Thea replied.

"You can join Evan in investigating this abnormality provided you're under Azur Lane supervision. That means stay close to Evan." Admiral Kenneth said to Thea.

"Danke." Thea replied and Admiral Kenneth turned back to me.

"Any questions?" Admiral Kenneth asked me.

"No sir." I shook my head and replied.

"Alright. Good luck and be careful." Admiral Kenneth said before ending the call.

"Miss Kreutzer. Call Wilhelmina and scramble the HSF Graf Spee. I'll scramble my fleet." I instructed.

"Ja." Thea acknowledged and saluted before the two of us ran off to scramble our respective ships and fleets.


"Richelieu. Send a telegram to all ships, including the HSF Graf Spee, saying that we're sortieing soon. I have received orders to investigate the zombie looking ship that left Seeadler Harbor." I instructed Richelieu once I'm aboard her production ship.

"Oui." Richelieu acknowledged and left to prepare the telegram. After all preparations are complete, there's one thing left to do.

"Azur Lane! Scramble!" I commanded from Richelieu's production ship.

"HSF Admiral Graf Spee! Scramble!" I heard Thea command from the HSF Graf Spee shortly after my shipgirls left Seeadler Harbor to pursue the zombie looking ship.

*Near Papua New Guinea

*Ruby POV

My team and I are sailing aboard a ship called Transylvania with 'treats' labelled on its hull. We were escorted by three ships, each commanded by three people known as Henry J Hide, Abraham V Hellsinger and Victor F Einstein.

"Let's hope we're not in trouble." Weiss grunted.

"Cheer up ice queen. We're spreading the Halloween spirit by sailing with these guys." I tried to cheer Weiss up.

"We probably passed by a few territorial waters without asking for permission. By Now, warships are being sent to hunt us down." Weiss replied. Just then, Henry's voice spoke over the intercom.

"Kiddos. Take the Transylvania and get to the portal. we're being pursued by zombie ships and clown ships." henry spoke to us through the intercom.

"See?" Weiss asked

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