Call to arms Team EVGL: Visitors from the Rainbow Bifrost

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*Third Person POV

Histoire: The Rainbow Bifrost is ready to be activated, Evan

Evan: Okay

Histoire pressed some keys on a keyboard and a rainbow coloured portal opened up

Evan: I guess this is a goodbye everyone

Evan turned back and faced the CPUs

Uzume: You will be missed Evansy

Vert: We will be quite lonely

Noire: Baka. No. Evan. You take care of yourself out there and should you feel like it's necessary, don't hesitate to use "Ryuusei No Bifrost ''. the move that me and the other CPUs taught you

Evan: okay

Noire: one more thing

Noire kissed Evan on the cheek

Noire: don't do stuff with any other girls without my approval you hear me?!

Evan: Hai

Noire: Mir. take good care of Evan and if you see him doing stuff with other girls without my consent, let me know. I'll be sure to give him an earful he'll never forget

Mir: understood

After saying goodbyes and farewells, Evan, with Mir on his shoulder, stepped towards the Rainbow Bifrost before turning around to look at the CPUs and the CPU candidates for the last time. Rom, Ram and Nepgear have tears in their eyes. Uni looked away while hmphing

Evan: Guess this is how it ends. Let's go Mir

Before Evan could step into the Rainbow Bifrost to go to earth, someone barged into the room


It was Neptune, with a bag of pudding boxes

Neptune: Don't leave without saying goodbye to the protagonist of this book

Evan: You're lucky I haven't left yet, Nep

Neptune handed me the bag of pudding boxes

Neptune: a gift for your future endeavours

Evan: But Neptune. I'm not a big fan of pudding like you

Neptune: That's okay. just give the pudding inside these boxes to your new friends. However, keep the boxes so that you'll remember us.

Evan: Okay. Thanks Nep

Evan took the pudding box bag from Neptune

Neptune: You better miss us or else I'll use my protagonist powers to track you down and nep you up

Uni: Yes! You better miss us or else I'll personally come to Earth and hunt you down

Evan: okay okay jeez. no need to be this violent

Uni: Hmph. You better

After accepting Neptune's gift, Evan went towards the Rainbow Bifrost with Mir on his shoulder

Evan: Goodbye!!

Mir: Thank you everyone!

After saying goodbyes, the two of the went into the Rainbow Bifrost

Nepgear: Evan!

Noire: Baka! Don't go!!

Nepgear and Noire rushed towards the Rainbow Bifrost to grab Evan's hand and pull him back but it was already too late

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