Chapter 44

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*Vale Port

*Third Person POV

Explosions rocked Vale Port as Evan's Shipgirls are trying to defend it from the invading Altas Military. Right now, Enterprise is holding on her own against her share of Atlas soldiers and robots

*Enterprise POV

I kept firing arrows at the invading Atlas soldiers, both human and robotic. I've already sent illustrious to contact Evan so that he can come back and help us

Enterprise: Owari Da!!

I fired several arrows at the Atlas soldiers that turned into planes that attacked the soldiers with gunfire and miniature rockets. After I took care of those Atlas Soldiers, A wave went towards me but I managed to dodge it. i turned towards the direction where the wave came from and saw a familiar face

Enterprise: You!

Winter: It seems that we meet again. You defeated me last time but this time, things will be different. Lieutenant Winter Schnee of the Atlas Military, engaging

Winter then charged at me with her rapier and I managed to block it with my bow. We parried with each other's attacks for a moment before Winter began summoning creatures

Enterprise: Summoning things again? Then I'll do the same

I loaded an arrow into my bow and aimed it at the creature Winter summoned. Before i could release the arrow, Seafangs came out of nowhere and strafed the creature with machine gun fire, distracting it

???: Holy light, grant me power!!

Another squadron of Seafangs, this time carrying bombs as well, arrived and bombed the creature, disintegrating it once the creature laid down on the ground. a familiar person jumped down beside me

Enterprise: Illustrious!

Illustrious: Need any help Enterprise san? Don't worry, I've already contacted Evan sama and he's on his way now

Enterprise: Good

Winter: So you got an ally to back you up huh? No matter. Things will still be different

Winter slashed her rapier, creating more portals that unleashed more of those creatures

Enterprise: Illustrious. Let's show her that we are Evan's powerful, reliable and trustworthy secretaries

Illustrious: Yes

I drew my bow while Illustrious prepares her aircraft to attack. Meanwhile, the wedding rings that Evan gave us during our respective weddings emitted a faint glow on our index fingers

*Victoria POV

Calysta: Victoria! More Atlas meanies!

Victoria: Got it!

I casted Arcane Magic at the Atlas meanies while Calysta protected herself using Ritual of Magic Absorption

Victoria: Calysta! Cover me!

I went behind Calysta and started chanting something, charging my Elemental Magic Staff with thunder magic in the process. Once I'm done, I aimed at the attacking Atlas Meanies and casted a giant thunder bolt up in the air. The thunderbolt rained down on the Atlas Meanies, killing them and vaporizing the air around them

Atlas Soldier: There's two of the brats! Get them!!

Another group of Atlas meanies charged towards us, firing their weapons. We protected ourselves using Ritual of Magic Absorption before counterattacking, with Calysta casting Arcane Magic and me casting long range thunderbolts. Calysta started chanting an magic incantation, charging her Elemental Magic Staff with ice magic before casting a bunch of ice spikes up in the air that rained down on the Atlas Meanies

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