Chapter 43

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*Seas of Remnant

*Evan POV

We went to the coordinates as stated in the SOS message Enterprise received back at Port and saw some grimm harassing what looks like a cargo ship

Evan: It's those monsters again

Gascogne: Should Gascogne engage

Evan: Of course. It's our job to safeguard the safety of the seas

Just Then, Gascogne's communicator buzzed to life

???: Help! We're being attacked by some Leviathans and our engine's damaged. We require urgent assistance!

Evan: Yosh. All ships engage!

Gascogne: Order acknowledged

The communications manjuu onboard Gascogne's production ship sent a telegram to all ships, transmitting my order to engage the grimm. Lady Forbin and Le Triomphant's production ships opened fire first, followed by the HSF Graf Spee of Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School. The shells killed one of the Leviathans and attracted the attention of the other Leviathans towards us. The sounds of plane engines zoomed above us as Shoukaku and Zuikaku launched their air groups.

One of the Leviathans opened their mouth to charge some sort of energy beam before I experienced a loud bang and some tremors as Gascogne fired her cannons aboard her production ship at the Leviathans, killing another one of them. The planes from Shoukaku and Zuikaku dropped bombs, launched rockets and strafed the last one, damaging and stunning it

Forbin: Now!!

Forbin and Le Triomphant: Final Salvo Requested!

Evan: Final Salvo Approved! Explosively Suppress It!

I thumped my chest with my fist before pointing outwards

Forbin and Le Triomphant: Roger!

The Leviathan breathed fire at the two Iris Destroyers but the two of them managed to evade it and surround the Leviathan in a pincer attack

Forbin and Le Triomphant: Final Salvo! Laser Cannon!

The main guns aboard the production ships of the two Iris Destroyers aimed at the leviathan and begann charging up

Forbin and Le Triomphant: Fire!!

The guns fired a laser beam at the leviathan, killing it. The leviathan disintegrate into dust as it sunk into the ocean

Forbin and Le Triomphant: Explosively Completed!!

Evan: Mission Clear!!

After the battle, I radioed the captain of the cargo ship

Evan: you're safe for now. How's the engine?

Cargo Ship Captain: Thank you sir and our engine's back and running. We can move again

Evan: My feet will escort your ship back to port. Where is the nearest port

Cargo Ship Captain: The nearest port is somewhere on Vale which is also our destination. i'll lead the way

Evan: Roger

My fleet followed the cargo ship to a port located on a different part of Vale while "Explosively Suppressing" any grimm that tried to stop us

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