Chapter 21

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*Beacon Academy

*Evan/My POV

After leaving Ozpin's office, the three of us discussed about whether to temporarily enroll into Beacon or not.

"What do you think?" I asked Thea and Glorious.

"I don't know Evan." glorious replied before frowning.

"I'm unsure as well. How about you Mr Siegfried? Should we temporarily enroll into Beacon or not?" Thea asked me. Before I could answer, a familiar voice interrupted me.

"There you are, asshole!" a familiar voice interrupted me, I turned to see Ruby and Yang approaching us.

"Great. Red riding hood and goldilocks is here." i groaned.

"You're damn right they are." Yang was unfazed by being called Goldilocks this time.

"What do you want from us?" Glorious angrily asked the two.

"My business is not with you blondie. It's with him." Yang pointed her finger at me. "Why did you order your ships to steer clear of us huh? We're just trying to say hello, not trying to attack you or anything. Look at me. My hair is ruined thanks to the waves created by your ships steering clear of us." yang demanded before pushing me.

"Sis calm down." ruby tried to persuade yang to calm down but yang ignored her.

"Not trying to invite me to yang out with you this time?" I asked before chuckling.

"Evan. I don't think now is a good time to be joking." ruby advised me.

"Answer my question asshole!" Yang demanded. Sensing tension building up, Glorious and Thea got into a combat stance behind me with the former preparing to summon her rigging the moment Yang decides to attack.

"My apologies. The rudders on my ship have malfunctioned at the time so they don't maneuver that well. But don't worry, they're undergoing refit as we speak." I lied. Yang sniffed at me for a moment before speaking.

"Do You know what I smell? Bullshit." Yang said before coming closer to me but was stopped by Glorious and Thea.

"you're not going anywhere closer to my husband." glorious snarled at Yang.

"yeah. Leave my teacher alone." Thea added in

"Sis this has to stop." Ruby begged but Yang ignored her again.

"You two want to fight? Very well then. I haven't fought for a few days now. Bring it on." Yang punched her knuckles against each other before assuming a fighting stance.

"I knew it would come to this." glorious summoned her riggings. I sighed in disappointment before taking out my Staff of First Dawn.

"I hate doing this but guess I have no choice. Miss Kreutzer, stay back." I said before Mir flew off my shoulder and levitated beside me.

"Sis this is going too far." Ruby tried to stop Yang but Yang ignored her.

"Let's brawl!" yang charged at us.

"What's going on here?" a familiar voice asked and all of us stopped. We turned to the source of the voice and saw Ozpin looking at us with his mug.

"Professor. Good thing you're here. These three attacked me." Yang said before pointing at us.

"She's lying Ozpin. She's the one who attacked us first." glorious pointed at Yang.

"Miss Xiao Long. I have video footage of you attacking these three first. go back to your dorm and if you attack these three again, you'll be punished." ozpin warned and Yang stormed away.

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