Chapter 48

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*Atlas Military Outpost

*Evan POV

We entered the outpost and defeated all the soldiers stopping us along the way until we came across what looks like an administrative office

Evan: An office huh? Let's search around. Maybe we'll find some information about where they kept Eleanor

We searched the office until we found what looks like some sort of directory for the outpost

Evan: So the prison cells are located at the bottom most floors of the outpost

Enterprise: That's probably where they're keeping Eleanor

Glorious: So if we want to save her, we have to go to the bottommost floors

Evan: Looks like it

Lexington: Mommy is coming Eleanor!

We left the office and began searching for some sort of elevator or stairs to take us down

Atlas Soldier: Faster men!!

A platoon of Atlas soldiers headed our way but we hid in another corridor beside us until they passed by us

Illustrious (whispering): Are they gone?

Evan (whispering): Looks like it

We crept out of our hiding place and looked around

Evan: I think they're gone. I think we're good to go

Lexington: Then let's keep moving

We moved on from there until we stumbled across what looks like a lift lobby with a flock of stairs leading up and down.

Illustrious: Is this it?

Valiant went to one of the lift doors and began pressing the button beside it

Valiant: Open. Open please

Valiant frantically pressed the lift button but the lift won't respond

Valiant: Grr. as a member of the royal family, I order you to open the lift door right now

Valiant begun pressing the button harder than before but the lift still won't respond

Clementine: Maybe the lift is on another floor

Victoria: It's not. Look

Victoria pointed upwards and we saw that the lift is on the ground floor. The floor that we're at

Valiant: Grr. That's it

Valiant aimed the cannons on her riggings at the lift doors before we heard several click sounds

Valiant: If you won't open, then I'll blast you open. Final Salvo!!

Glorious: Your majesty. Stop!

Evan: Final Salvo approval rejected. Valiant, if you blast the lift doors open, let alone use a Final Salvo on them. Wouldn't you destroy the lift as well?

Valiant: Grr

Valiant canceled her Final Salvo and kicked the wall beside the lift doors, leaving a dent

Evan: Final Salvos possess a lot of energy. If you use one here right now, you'll risk destroying the entire outpost or at the very least, part of it. For the former, you'll kill Eleanor and us as well

Valiant: You're right Evan. I'm sorry for letting you see this side of me

Evan: It's alright valiant. as much as I hate to use them, I'm afraid we might have to use the stairs instead

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