Chapter 33

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*Beacon Academy

*Evan POV

We were planning to leave Beacon when a certain Red Riding Hood Stopped us

Ruby: Hey Evan! over here!

Evan: It's Red Riding Hood

Ruby: Please stop calling me that and those two beside you are

Veneto: I'm Vittorio Veneto

Dunkerque: and I'm Dunkerque

Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose and I remembering seeing you two last time at the abandoned port back at Grasswater Town

Evan: Heh. That's when you learnt of my true identity for the first time

Ruby: Yeah. Anyways, why are all of you here? could it be that?

Ruby's eyes sparkle abit

Ruby: You wanted to enroll into Beacon? Please tell me that you do

Ruby shook my hand repeatedly, begging me to enroll into Beacon but I'm not so sure at the moment, especially when I don't fully trust Ozpin yet

Evan: Hold the phone there Ruby. I haven't decided yet

Ruby: aww

Ruby frowned for a moment before smiling again

Ruby: But anyways please enroll here. you won't regret it

Evan: no guarantee anyways why are you here I thought there's still lessons going on right now

Ruby: We just ended. Right now it's lunchtime. Would you like to join me and my team for lunch?

Evan: Sure I guess

Veneto: A little lunch won't hurt so sure

Dunkerque: We still got some time so I don't mind

Evan: Alright. Then we'll have lunch with you and your team

Ruby: Yay and also there are some people who want to meet you and your ships

Evan, Veneto and Dunkerque: Really? Who are they?

Ruby: you'll meet them later. follow me to the canteen

we followed Ruby to the cafeteria where we saw that it is crowded

Veneto: Wow and it was silent and empty just now

Ruby: That's because we were having lessons just now

???: Hey Ruby! over here!

We heard an unfamiliar voice calling out to Ruby and we turned to see Ruby's Team along with four other unknown individuals. A boy with blonde hair, a girl with red hair, a girl with orange hair and a boy with black hair. the boy with blonde hair was the one calling out to Ruby

Ruby: Coming Jaune! Evan, Vittorio, Dunkerque. Follow me

We followed Ruby and sat with Ruby's Team and the four unknown individuals

Boy with Blonde Hair: Whoa! who are these three and what's with the uniform dude

The boy with blonde hair asked us before turning to me

Girl with red hair: This uniform doesn't look like Atlas military to me

Girl with orange hair: Hey can I get a cool uniform like that too

Evan: uhh

Ruby: Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, Ren. These three are Evan, Vittorio and Dunkerque. Evan is one of the commanders in charge of the strange looking ships while Vittorio And Dunkerque are his vice commanders. And this little dragon you see on Evan's shoulder is Mir

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