Call to arms Team EVGL : Reinforcements from back home

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*Evan's Azur lane Base

*Third Person POV

Back at Evan's Azur Lane Base, Saratoga was having a meeting with some other shipgirls regarding a special mission

Queen Elizabeth: Let me get this straight, you're saying that good for nothing servant of mine, along with Valiant and my nieces are in another world?

Kongou: And the way to access this world is around Hawaii

Saratoga: Yes. According to The Director, there is an abnormality around Hawaii that transports ships to another world.

Vanguard: I see. So we just deliver these communicators to Evan by going to this world via Hawaii

Saratoga: Yes Vanguard. Unlike other communicators, these communicators still work even if one of them is in another world

Vanguard: So these are interdimensional communicators

Saratoga: Yes. Until The Director finds a way to bring Evan and his fleet back to Earth, this is our only way of communicating with them for now

Vanguard: I see. Understood

Revenge: Hold on! Why do we need to deliver two communicators if you already have one, Saratoga?

Revenge pointed out something and asked

Saratoga: one of the communicators is for Evan as all of you probably know by now while the other is for those Wilhelmshaven Maritime students assigned to him. I'm pretty sure they're with Evan in this other world as we speak

Revenge nodded her head in understanding

Saratoga: The Director herself will deliver the other communicator linked to the communicator meant for those Wilhelmshaven Maritime students to the Principal of Wilhelmshaven Maritime High School in the meantime

Howe: So how are we going to find these students once we arrive in this new world?

Saratoga: Find Evan first. If Evan is around, then those Wilhelmshaven Maritime students will most likely be nearby. If not, then ask Evan about their whereabouts

Howe: Okay

Saratoga: Any more questions?

Evan's shipgirls involved in the operation: No

Saratoga: In that case. Dismissed. I'll let the leader of this operation decide on when you girls will depart for the operation

Evan's shipgirls involved in the operation: Ryokai!/Roger!


Queen Elizabeth: Warspite, Bel, Aquila, Kongou, Rodney, Howe, Vanguard, Revenge, Joffre and Perseus. Are you ladies ready?

Queen Elizabeth, the leader/flagship of this operation asked the participants, earning yeses in response

Queen Elizabeth: Then I'll notify Saratoga that we're departing for the operation

*Vanguard POV

as the Queen is notifying Saratoga about our departure, I looked back at the base and landed my eyes on the USS Nimitz, Evan's flagship

Vanguard (thoughts): The USS Nimitz. Only those with a strong Reminiscence of the Sea can fully control it.

Queen Elizabeth: Alright I'm done. Let's go ladies

The Queen's voice snapped me out of my thoughts

Vanguard: Ryokai!/Roger!

The other ladies and I acknowledged and I turned to look at the USS Nimitz for one last time before joining the others

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