Halloween Special Finale

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*The battlefield

*Evan/My POV

"What?!" I heard Yang exclaim over the radio.

"What is it sis?" I heard Ruby ask her sister. There was some discussion for a moment then Ruby spoke through the radio.

"Ohmyoumohmyoumohmyoum. Isthistrue? ArethereanymorebigshipsliketheonesyoubroughttoRemnantlasttime. Whereisyourhouse? tellmetellme." Ruby bombarded me with questions. Richelieu and I exchanged looks with each other for a moment

"You talk too fast. Can you repeat that again?" Richelieu spoke into the radio.

"Who are you?" Ruby asked as she hasn't met my Richelieu yet. Before Richelieu could reply, Glorious contacted us with some bad news.

"There is a huge zombie looking warship approaching us." Glorious informed me.

"Roger. Launch attack planes to engage. I'll order the other ships to attack." I acknowledged before turning to Richelieu. "Send a secure message to all ships including the HSF Graf Spee, we are engaging this new zombie warship." I instructed.

"Oui." Richelieu acknowledged and went to her communications manjuu. I then went back to Ruby.

"you guys get out of here. There's a huge zombie warship coming." I spoke into the radio before hanging up. "Let's go Richelieu!" I said before contacting Glorious to give us the coordinates of the zombie looking warship.

*Ruby POV

"Wait!" I exclaimed but Evan already hung up. "How do you initiate a conversation?'' I asked as I fumbled over the controls.

"Girls look." Blake exclaimed and pointed out of a window. We looked out of the window and saw Evan's fleet turning and slowly leaving.

"Let's follow them." I said before tuning the Transylvania around.

"You dolt! Are you crazy? We're going to get killed!" Weiss exclaimed.

"I'm the leader okay? That Means I'm the captain of this ship." I replied.

"hmph. Fine. But Don't blame me if this ship gets destroyed." Weiss grumbled.

*Evan/My POV

"maille breze. Stay close to us. We're facing a battleship here." I instructed maille breze through a secure radio channel.

"Will do Lord Evan." maille breze acknowledged. Maille breze reminded me of a certain green haired princess through her 'Lord Evan'.

"Mr Siegfried! Enemy ship spotted!" Thea informed me through a secure radio channel. Meanwhile, Glorious is still launching and recovering her attack planes.

"The zombie looking ship is now within range of my cannons.'' Richelieu told me.

"Fire." I instructed.

*Ruby POV

As we sailed in the direction that Evan's fleet sailed off to, we heard cannon shots and saw cannon fire in the distance.

"We're late to the show girls." I told my team.

"At least we still get to see some of it." Yang said. We watched As Evan's fleet engaged with the zombie looking ship.

"Cool." I commented as I watched the naval battle with the rest of my team.

"Impressive. Especially the ship launching aircraft." Blake remarked

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